First black female U. S. Senator to deliver Commencement address Editorial Banner editor says good-bye Page 2 Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun, D-IL, will be the guest speaker for Bennett Col lege’s 120th Commencement Sunday, May 15 at 11:00 a.m. The ceremonies will be held on the Bennett Quadrangle. The theme for this year’s ceremony is “Celebrating Women in Education.” Alumni week activities include the Na tional Alumni Association meeting on campus Friday, May 13 and the White Coiiege-A-Rama Over 160 potential Belles visit Page 3 Wonderful Year For outgoing Miss Bennett Page 5 Breakfast on Saturday, May 14. Sports Recap Basketball, track, volleyball and more Page 6 The Bennett Banner ‘Student Newspaper of the Phenomenal Women of Bennett College' May 9, 1994 Bennett College Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Vol. XVI, No. 6 Sound mixer stolen from closet in Pfeiffer Chapel By Stephanie McCorkle Banner Reporter A sound electronic mixer Wcis taken from the closet in the upper level of the Annie Merner Pfeiffer Chapel, between April 18 7:45 p.m. and April 19 5:30 p.m., according to Sgt. D.P. Honeycutt of the Guilford County Pohce Depart ment. Honeycutt said that he was unable to get an accurate descrip tion of the equipment from the cam pus madntenance man who first dis covered that the mixer was missing from the closet. The maintenance man told the Rev. Sherrie Cooke, the college chaplain about the theft and she reported it to the police the same day the incident occurred. There are no suspects or leads. If Einyone has any informa tion regarding this theft, please contact campus authorities. photo by Phanaiphie Rhue Miss Kelly Kniffley, current Miss Bennett College congratulates the 1994-95 Miss Bennett, Deidre Pecchioni while 1994-95, Miss Royal Blue and White, Nikki Berryman, looks on. Peochioni was crowned at the annual President's Ball on April 30. Pecchioni is new Miss Bennett Media students travel to tlie Windy City By Stephanie McCorkle Banner Reporter Excitement was visible on the face of Deidre Pecchioni, when she was annotinced Miss Bennett 1994-1995 on the evening of the President’s Ball, April 30. Nikki Berryman was an nounced as Miss Royal Blue and White and was presented flowers by the former Miss Royal Blue and White, Angela Cephus. In her acceptance speech Pecchioni thanked everyone and said, “People that I didn’t even know, faces that I had never seen before just came out of nowhere to offer me help.” Berryman, a biology major, said, “I would like to thank every one for their support and I ask for continued love and encouragement.” Berryman leaves for the University of Helsinki on a summer fellowship Deidre or “Deedee” as she is known by her fnends already has a few ideas on what her new Continued on page 3 By Andrea T. Brooks Banner Reporter Fifteen students had the op portunity to travel to the windy city of Chi cago and hobnob with the big wigs in the broadcast industry. The four- day trip, April 20-24, which was sponsored by the Mass Com- miinications Speech and Theater Department, was organized by Dr. Lenora Brogdon-Wyatt, chair of the department. “The trip allowed students to network and make important connections for their futures,” she said. Tea Carr, a sophomore from Atlanta said, “I had a good learning experience, networked, £uid had a good time.” The itinerary included vis its to Showtime Networks Inc., The Bertice Berry Show, ETA Theater, BR&R Communications, and sev eral museums in the Chicago area. JenniferFarris, asophomore also from Atlanta said, “I wish the trip could have been longer so that we could have visited more black owned businesses.” Toshanique Pauley, a sopho more firom New York said, “I really enjoyed BR&R Communications. It was nice to see aU black women in charge of their own company. It Continued on page 3 Nubian Nuance — no show By TammI McCall Banner Reporter Last year, students were dis heartened to discover that Christo pher Williams was a no show at Bennett’s first annual Nubian Nu ance. This year students were again disappointed at a no show. No show at all. “This is a bunch of bidl Karla Jackson, a sophomore said. Aaron Hall, Queen Latifah and Wu Tang Clan were the ex pected show for the Nubian Nuance’s concert. Rumors were spread that the show had been can celled because of an alleged riot in April. Dr. Tiajuana Mosby attrib uted other problems concerning the cancellation of the event. “We did not have a riot,” Mosby said. Mosby explained that there was an altercation between the po- Uce and one Bennett student. The arrest of that student lead others to react without getting all of the facts. Mosby also said that the altercation was not the main reason the concert was cancelled. The main concern was that a headline performer was not secured. “The concert was cancelled because we had no star,” Mosby said. According to Herb Jackson, student activities director, the con cert promoters. Stage One, had not secured an artist of status, there fore prompting the Nubian Nuance committee to vote for a no show. “We put money up and trusted Stage One to supply a good Continued on page 4