2 • BENNETT BANNER • MAY 14, 1999 My legacy to BRANDY JONES Editor A legacy is described as something that is given as a gift from a person from the past Although I am not a graduating senior, there are many things I would leave as a legacy to my Bennett sisters. The crab-barrel theory, memory of the past, and faith are essential for this institution to continue to thrive and for us to live successful lives. When crabs are in a barrel, they stick together. The crabs attach themselves to the other crabs left behind and help them rise. This is a quality we need at Bennett. We need to help our sisters rise instead of hurting them. 1 don’t know if controversy is something popular; however, we should keep in mind that controversy involves people. It may be the hot topic of the day, but have we ever stopped and thought about who it hurt? We should take on an encouraging spirit, and stop those things that will not produce happiness and progress. Next, I would leave the memory of the past. We should never forget the things we have experienced here. It will motivate us to give back to Bennett. Any one in their right mind would not want those following to experience lack of scholarships and insufficient technology. A school can’t flourish without the help of the alumnae. If we don’t think enough of our institution, who will? This is why we don't have anything now. Please give back to the school that gave so much to us. Finally, I would leave to the continuing students faith. As I have matriculated at Bennett College, the only thing that I pos sessed to help me through the laughs and tears is faith. We have to believe that God does everything for a reason, and he will never give us any mwe than we can handle. Seniors and continuing students, choose those things that will ensure success because the only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. The opinion expressed in this column is that of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the entire Bennett Banner stcff. 'Die Bennett Banner The newspaper produced by and for the Phenomenal Women of Bennett College roiTORS BRAM)Y JONES Editor KB4YA A. SAMUELS Features Editor NAIMA CL BARBOUR Features Editor ronORIAlSTAff ERBHA UPFORD Briefings, KUDOS & Herstory SAMANTHA MOREY Residence Hall RUNGANO NYAJBA Natural, Behavorial ,& Social Sciences ASHA HART Security KRISHEL A PANTON Graphics MONYA TOMUNSON Humanities LA'SHAINNA CAMPBEU. Editorial Assistant SHANTHEE OTEY Graphic Artist DARNITA HOWARD Circulation LEAH WHALEY-HOLMES Chief Photographer PRODUCTION USA POPE Production ADVISER DR.LONAD.COBB The Bennett Banner is a laboratory newspaper published twice a month during the academic year, except during months with Ckillege recognized holidays or College vacations. The newspaper is pro duced by and for students at Bennett College. The newspaper off ice is located in Shell Hall C-2. STUDENT OPINION POLL: Belle What legacy are you leaving your Bennett sisters ? Photos by Leah Whaley-Holmes, Banner Photographer NAIMA Q. BARBOUR CLASS: SENIOR MAJOR: MASS COMM. HOME STATE: MARYLAND / leccve love and patience. Because I had extreme faith, I knew my time would come. KENYA A. SAMUELS CLASS: SENIOR MAJOR: MASS COMM. HOME STATE: MARYLAND The legacy I leave is my love of books and the strength to read one when times are good or bad. RAENA MITCHELL CLASS: SENIOR MAJOR: ART HOMESTATE:MARYLAND To the Bennett community and future Belles 1 leave a legacy of creativity, for I will always be connected to my dear alma mater in some way, shape or form. My future creations will be a reflection of my roots. ■ JAMILA MCFARLANE CLASS: SENIOR MAJOR: BUSINESS HOME STATE: NEW YORK / would leave my endurance to continue despite all the hardships as a legacy to all the returning Belles. PRISCILLA MUTEPFA CLASS: SENIOR MAJOR: MATH ED. HOME: ZIMBABWE RENEE' MOORE CLASS: SENIOR MAJOR: MATH ED. HOME STATE: NEW JERSEY / hope the continuing Belles Nothing comes for free. I would continue to promote would encourage my Bennett international awareness. sisters to work hard, do their best, and the blessings will come flowing their way.