Chatham ’‘U.WIWTON- Blanketeer Vol. 3 NOVEMBER 23, 1935 No. 9 1 "".'Ilf/ •■■\ V--/iS v!t' -• r 4 A * 1 ^ /a pf. ‘'Ik' ^ AUTUMN’S GIFTS Bv Alice Crowell Hoffman A^mn comes with lovely Pretty painted leaves in drifts, Chestnuts dropping from the Wlth^'each passing autumn breeze, Apples rosy as can be On the ground and on the Golden crop in heaps and Some^toe’lated hollyhocks, punfle asters, goldenrod, Telling us of fall and Skto. t°». «“> ji^t^the thing for Hallowe’en. TtSa, to all these gifts so gay, ISrkdds the best-Thanks- giving Day. ^ '* V ■' .* 1* Ifc 4. i? S *^V . '.: ¥** * a photograph made The beautiful woodland scene above is It is an y our staff photographer just back of the their leaves by .'‘“tumn scene, in which the trees, shorn of many of the.r 1 ^ the iSLciii pnotograpner jusi uaun. thpir leaves c -n>n scene, in which the trees, shorn of many of the'r antics of the first frosts, stand mutely in the descending November sun. To gaze upon the scene brings an im pression of quiet and solitude and abiding peace as nature prepares for the onslaught of winter. Yet in truth, were you to be trans ported to the very scene, would come the busy hum of our Elkin mill.