Page Two CHATHAM BLANKETEER June 29, 1937 I WEWC NAPPING DEPT. June 8th. Mr. Irl and Babe moved into the old office vacated by Mr. Harris today. Hope they like it there. June 9th. Our girl’s base ball team won their first game today. Granny’s mad because she had to go home at nine o’clock this morning. She says, “No work, no mon and no mon, no fun.” June 10th. Just another day. Lelia Swaim has a blistered back, “too much exposure.” June 11th. Today is pay day. Need anything more be said? June 14th. Blue Monday. Sev eral show signs of that Monday morning “hang over,” especially Jake Ketner. Esther Norman came back from her vacation. From all we hear (which is plen ty) she had a wonderful time. June 15th. Our dear Skippy is in the hospital this morning, but we sincerely hope it won’t be for long. Our much loved Superin tendent Mr. R. W. Harris is leav ing for the coast today. His an nual vacation and fishing trip you know. We all wish you a gay, but not too merry time, Mr. Harris, and hope the fish bite well. We extend our sympathy to Mr. George Phillips due to the recent death of his wife. Mrs. Robert Cox of the Iver- ness Mill section has returned to her home from the Duke hospital where she underwent treatment. June 16th. If you know any body who has a cradle for sale please notify Cicero Ring. Wonder why Lelia has to go to the second floor every evening be fore she goes home. June 17. All stray husbands who wish to reform please see Granny Saunders and Little Granny. June 18th. Wyatt Saunders got a severe case of sun tan up in the mountains the other day, picking peas and milking cows. SHIPPING DEPT. Mr. and Mrs. Lee DeHart have moved into their new home on Ogbum Ave., near Ogburn sta tion. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell have moved into the apartment recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. DeHart on West End Blv’d. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everhadt were among the four hundred present at the Everhart reunion. Emma said there was plenty of fried chicken and everything good to eat. We imagine Emma got her part. W. C. Jerome, Jr., has recently come to work in the Traffic Of fice. Hobson Shermer is spending his vacation in New York. Can’t •NMILL I you just see him putting on the dog? Say don’t forget where you are from, Hop. Cleo says she ate some mighty good cherries and strawberries out at Conrad Petree’s house last Sunday. That sure is a good way to win her, Conrad. There seems to be a drawing attraction in the Traffic Office lately. I’m afraid we will have to get Sheriff Hanks to keep the single girls away. We know that the Twins have one good fan. Crystal Bell just can’t miss a game. Nancy White said that she did not like to be patted on the back, Cecil. By the way, how was that seek on the jaw? Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lewis have moved from Elkin to their new home on Academy St. We wel come Harold to the Traffic Dept. NIGHT FORCE Just in case Hugh Ladd wants to borrow some money, the Caro lina Finance Co. is a good place to get it. All they want is your sig nature. Naomi wonders why M. Brown or Louis Jessop, our big minded machinists, don’t fix Henry Stone- man’s machine, it pulls off entire ly too many serials. “Freck” Tuttle has been pro moted to the kitchen. How’s ev erything in the kitchen “Freck.” The night folks are getting old er, Dorothy Norman and Polly Gentry had a birthday this week. Anyone wishing to have their fortunes read see Naomi and Pol ly in their wigwam between sev en thirty and eight o’clock. Tucky is in a bad fix, his girl lives in Elkin. Anyone going to Elkin for a week-end, please noti fy Lester Salmon. Mr. Cothern, machinist from the Elkin mill, spent sometime with us this week. Mrs. Carrol Allen from Raleigh is visiting Mr. R. Gl Gentry this week. Tommy Bates was late one day this week. He had an alibi, said he had been swimming. Alright, alright, Tommy. Polly Gentry lost the moon and had to get someone to help her find it. Polly, what’s wrong with you? We are so glad to have the new electric (refrigeration system whereby we will have good drink ing water. A certain young man in the kitchen has entirely too many dates. E. M. Livengood has a new hat. It seems to be an imported mod el. Mr. C. W. Comer has been Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Guess who? What a pitiful look ing creature. Is he from ’Possum Hollow, or where? Your guess is as good as ours, but we will drop you a hint. Look around the Wins ton Mil! and see if you can’t find a monkey wrench handler that this picture resembles. transferred from night duty to the day force. Good luck Mr. Comer. Several of the second shift boys have gone on the third shift. CLOTH DEPT. Believe it or not. Summer is here and its time for wash dress es, shorts, slacks and vacations. Here’s’ hoping that it will mean news also. Wonder what Jewel Long is go ing to do since June has arrived. Don’t let Mattie fool you when she says her mother is working here because it really looks like her kid sister. She will probably change when she has pulled over as many lots as Mattie has. “Elsie Dear,” why the sad eye, did someone step on your lip? Better keep it up. I think the girls on the third floor will have to start working on the second floor, as the second floor girls seem to like our floor much better. Maybe it is the peo ple up here though. “Babe,” maybe Arthur Russell can tell you how to put on a few pounds since he has had some experience. Gee, Sweet Pea has been hav ing a time since we have so many girls, I think he changes every day. But we think he prefers- a certain brunette. Listen here Mr. Irl, you have enough women down there. In fact more than you can tare of. So why look for more or are you trying to improve your force. Dunn, you had better catch your father’s cows before “Babe” pitches another game. She cer tainly has a bad curve. “Curly Top Ring” will soon have a neck like a giraffe if he doesn’t stop looking at all the new girls that pass and some of the old ones too. We do think the one you look at most is the right one. Berry, have you been a good boy since Catherine has been out? I heard a little birdie say that you hadn’t. I’d be ashamed. Gee, Mr. Forrest, why don’t you give “Red” a chance? She is cer tainly a good prospect. We all wonder why Hattie is so quarrelsome lately? Is it the weather? Annie Pearl, why don’t you help little Josephine out? You know you have lots of influence or do you care too? Honest Eunice you should not condemn Ford lots so much. They are really good for the soul some times, but I know they are a little hard on your religion. I wish someone would help out the reporter up in the front be cause I know you have lots of things to happen with Jim, For rest and Lonnie coming and go ing. It would help lots for some one to report anything you hear foolish, funny, pathetic, sad, trips, romances, marriages, deaths so ciety articles, etc. Buck, I want to thank you for helping out while the reporter was out sick. Laurie Lee, what is this I hear (Continued on page seven) SUMMER PROGRAM OF THE L. H. C. CLUB NO. 1 June 17th. Pauline Morrison, Mary Eidson, and Reba New man. July 15th. Leona Darnell, Hor- tense Darnell, Nancy Hanks and Pauline Pardue. July 29th. Mrs. Levada Brown, Dessie Reeves, Eunice Hol comb and Mary Etta York. Aug. 12th. Katherine Brannon, Collie Young, Vanda Swaim, and Myrtle Brannon. Aug. 26th. Beatrice Burcham, Emma Hudspeth, Violet Par- due and Estelle Phillips. Aug. 28th & 29th. Camping trip to Camp Hanes. Sept. 9th. Claudia Austin and Ina Mae Martin. Sept. 23rd. Annual Banquet. L. H. C. CLUB NO. 2 Members of the Lucy Hanes Chatham Club No. 2, closed a very interesting and instructive cook ing school, Thursday, June 24th, under the direction of Miss Mar garet Cragan, home economics instructor of the local high school. Fifteen girls took advantage of this opportunity to improve them selves in home management. Beginning July 1st a summer program will be arranged for the months of July and August.