Chatham WINSrON Blanketeer Vol. 5 DECEMBER 23, 1938 No. 12 % merrle ^mtmas T’S HARD for me to believe another year has almost ended. It seems only a few short months ago that Miss Austin came in and said, “Time for your Christmas message.” And now she’s back again. I know what you are saying. “Sure sign he’s getting old.” That’s right. We have had an unusually difficult year—with plenty of ups and downs. We have seen a good deal of change in our business. Cloth is becoming more important. I believe that our products are better than ever before. That is one reason why we have kept busy. We have added many new customers. Our Company continues to grow—largely because of our hard work and close cooperation. We stand together and work together and go forward together. I hope that each of my fellow employees is as proud of the Company as I am of you. We have wonderful support from our friends and fellow citizens in Elkin and Winston-Salem who are not working with us. We all appreciate this spirit of good will. We should try to show that we are always good neighbors and good citizens. And now for next year. It’s hard to look ahead with the world so disturbed. However, we have run pretty steadily this year when other textile mills have not been so fortunate. I hope and believe that our hard work and quality products will keep us steadily moving forward. We are members of one family and have one common interest—our Company. When it prospers, we prosper. As long as we keep this before us, stand together and give better merchandise to our customers, we cannot fail. I wish for you, your families and friends, a Merry Christ mas and a Happy New Year. THURMOND CHATHAM