Chatham WtKSTOH Blanketeer Vol. 5 MAY 23, 1939 No. 18 Everyone Makes Merry at Employer-Employee Banquet These pictures show that everyone had a good time at the Employer Employee dance held at the Elkin gymnasium. The pictures show, top row, left to right: Osborne String Band, which played for the square dance; bird’s eye view of the banquet tables, sihowing the speakers’ table in the rear; and a behind-the-scene view of the Elkin high school home economics class serving the meal, assisted by Hattie Hickerson, sweeper in the Spinning department. Bottom row, left to right; Leonard Shepherd and his sweet little girl friend, “Miss” Gene (Toar) Hall; Lucille Hall. Betty Jean Pardue and Alene Holcomb in a clever tap dance; and dancing as enjoyed after the banquet to the music of the Osborne String Band. Banquet Proves To Be A Big Success YOUNG BANKERS VISIT TUESDAY National Trust Company Group Shown Through Elkin Plant and Entertained by T.C.U. A group of 10 young men mak ing up the Thorne-Loomis Expe dition of 1939 of the Bankers Trust Co., of New York City, vis ited the Chatham plant at Elkin Tuesday as a part of their tour of major textile industries of the South. The recently organized T. C. U. Club took over entertainment of the visitors, which in addition to a tour of the plant, featured a soft ball game, a supper and smoker at the T. C. U. clubhouse. The .soft ball game featured the visitors against the Hound Dogs, (Continued on Page Two) The annual Employer-Employee banquet sponsored by the Lucy Hanes Chatham Clubs and the Thurmond Chatham Unity Club was held Friday evening, April 28, at seven o’clock, at the high rchool gymnasium. The setting was typical of a barnyard scene and the guests came attired in overalls and cotton dresses. Placed at intervals along the square shaped tables were minia ture red barns and the place cards were tiny cardboard ani mals. Beautiful bowls of red tulips interspersed with tall candles completed the decora tions of the table. The gymna sium was attractively decorated in keeping with the barnyard scene. At one end of the room a barn had been constructed and when the doors were opened a stage was revealed. Dogwood and pine completed the decora tions. Covers were placed for one hundred seventy guests. Miss Beatrice Burcham presided as toastmistress. Mrs. Dallas Gilliam gave the invocation. Mr. Lowell Smithey welcomed the guests and Mr. C. C. Poindexter responded. (Continued on Page Two) SOFT BALL NOW IN SECOND LAP Hound Dogs Are Winners of First of Tournament; Gold Soft Balls to Be Given Champs With the end of the first half of the Elkin Plant’s Soft Ball Tournament over, the second half got under way Wednesday. The Hound Dogs were winners of the first half with the Bull Dogs in second place, and both teams will take part in the play-off series at the end of the second half. Due to the present working hours, the Cat League has been discontinued. Also, the Bird Dogs and Cur Dogs have been combin ed into one team. Present plans call for a cham pionship series at the end of the (Continued on Page Two)