NOT HOW MUCH BUT HOW WELL QUALITY FIRST THEN QUANTITY Vol. 4; No. 6 PISGAH FOREST, N. C. June, 1943 Ecusta To Have Picnic July 5th AN ANn-LOAHNG DRIVE IS STARTED Gov. Broughton Appoints President Straus Chair man In This County To help relieve the manpower shortage, Gov. J. M. Broughton has designated Monday, July 5th., as “North Carolina Day of Dedica tion” and is asking leaders in every county in the state to take steps that will end any idleness or loafing that may exist. He has appointed one man in every county in the state to serve as chairman of the anti-loafing drive committee. Harry H. Straus, our president, has been named by the Governor as chairman for Transylvania county. In a letter to Mr. Straus and other chairmen, he stated that the nation is fighting for the preserva tion of “the liberty won by our forefathers” and added that the labor situation will become in creasingly acute as more and more men are taken into the armed forces. The Governor also issued a proc lamation outlawing idleness and designating July 5th. as “North Carolina Day of Dedication” in which he asked citizens of the state to observe Independence day “by seeing that 'every able-bodied person is employed productively on a full-time basis.” He suggested that a meeting of officials and leaders be held on that day at the county seat in every county. Mr. Straus is calling a countywide meeting at the courthouse in Bre vard for Monday night, 8 o’clock, July 5 and has asked the Ecusta band to play. The public is invited. Bennett Is Elected As Vice President Of National Ass’n. Raymond F. Bennett, general superintendent and Roland Wilber, Pulp mill superintendent of Ecusta Paper corporation, recently attend ed a wartime service meeting of the American Pulp and Paper Mill Superintendents association in New York where over 500 representa tives of the pulp and paper in dustry were assembled. Mr. Bennett, who was elected as a vice president last year, was again re-elected and is now*fourth vice president of the association. He conducted one of the meetings of the convention. Mr. Wilber is secretary-treasurer of the Southeastern division of the association and made tentative plans for a joint meeting with the Southern division in the fall. This meeting will probably be held in Georgia, To All Our Employees i I The Treasury Department of the United States I is launching another drive to increase the sales of I War Savings Bonds to help finance the cost of the I war, and has requested us to bring this to your at- I tention. I As you know, the Government has no way of I raising money except from the people of the United States through taxes and sales of goverment securi- I ties. ! We are fighting a war which extends to all parts of the world and it requires huge sums of money to keep our fighting men properly supplied and equip ped with food, clothing and implements of war. Therefore, I urge each and every one of you to take inventory of your finances and make every effort to increase your war savings bond subscriptions. We have in effect a payroll saving plan which is available to all employees and is a convenient and easy way to purchase war savings bonds, and this is a means of putting aside some part of your earnings for your future needs and the “Rainy day.’ This is a terrible war which is .being fought to protect the freedom of all peoples and the American way of life, and I hope everyone will do his part to help bring quick defeat to our enemies so that we may all go back to our normal way of living. T. N. WORD, Vice-President & Treasurer CAMP SAPPHIRE IS AGAIN CHOSEN AS SITE FOR PICNIC Full Program Of Contests And Games Arranged. Give Committees I New "Pay-As-You-Go" Tax Measure Effective July 1, Provisions Given Regular Personal Exemp tions Allowed'. Employer To Withhold Taxes The new “Pay-As-You-Go” in come tax law will become effective on July 1. The bill is not a new income tax measure in-so-far-as the amounts of income tax payments are concern ed, but the method of payment and collection is changed. It requires the employer to with hold a certain proportion of your wages or salaries every payday. Beginning with the pay you will receive for the first full work pay period after July 1st., your employer will withhold this tax from your wages and salaries. Therefore, you will begin to\pay your regular income and Victory taxes as you earn the income, sub ject to the tax. The money withheld is not kept by the employer, but is turned over to the United States Treasury. It is your money and stands to your credit as a prepayment of your Federal Income and Victory ■^Tum To Page Sixteen News From Every Department Wanted Last month it was announced in the Echo that a list of Echo Re porters would be published in the June edition. With the inauguration of the 48-hour-week, however, which has caused many changes in schedules, it has not been found practical for any one reporter in any one department to make a complete news coverage of that department. Therefore, we ask that those of you who have been faithfully con tributing to the Echo’s columns, to please continue to do so. We also urge that each department have news in every issue. Any one interested in becoming a regular reporter is requested to get in touch with the editors. It is the intention of the editors to have as much news as possible in every issue about as many em ployees in as many departments as possible and your co-operation to this end will be appreciated. Ecustans are looking forward to July 5, the day the plant will shut-down and all employees and their families will gather for a day of festivities. The Ecusta pic nic last year was probably one of the largest ever held in this sec tion and present indications are that the one this year on July 5 will be even larger. The grounds and facilities at Camp Sapphire are well suited for such an event as is planned. Located about half way between Ecusta and Brevard, it has a very attractive lake which will provide swimming, canoeing and fishing; a good running track for races, a large flat, grassy location for all other contests, buildings suitable for square dancing, first aid, check ing stations, place for preparing cold drinks and a large wooded area for spreading picnic dinners and plenty of parking space. Soft Ball Game To Be Featured There will be every kind of contest for every member of the family, with prizes in Defense Stamps to all winners. A great deal of interest is being shown in one of the main attractions of the day, which will be a soft ball game between Fritz Merrill’s mill team and Pete Eberle’s office team. A special prize will be awarded the winning team. Perron To Arrange Matches Entries are coming in fast for Tug o’ War teams, boxing matches, rifle matches, swimming races, —Turn To Page Sixteen Edna Earle Nanney Elected President Of Ecusta’s Chorus Edna Earle Nanney was elected president of Ecusta Chorus at an organization meeting held during rehearsal of the Chorus, Wednes day night, June 23rd. Other of ficers elected were as follows, Leon English, vice president, and Lucille Roberts, secretary-treasur- An executive committee was set up which included in addition to the newly elected officers, Howard Wilkie, Odell Scott, Gerald Grosse and Mary Sue Thorne, committee members and John Eversman, di rector and Mary Glass accompanist. It was decided at this meeting that regular rehearsals would be held each week on Wednesday evenings. All employees of Ecusta are welcome,