January, 1945 THE ECHO PAGE FIVE Complete Set Of Encyclopedia Now In Our Library 24 VOLUMES OF BRITANNICA ON SHELVES FOR USE Works Kept Up To Date By Year-Book Issued Be tween Printings. A set of the new Encyclopedia Britannica—24 volumes—has been shelved in the Ecusta library in the last few days, and all employ ees are invited to take advantage of this most complete compendium of knowledge. It is a quick and easy way of locating complete and accurate information. You may receive a large degree of self-education by using this set, a standard for reference, enlight enment, and information. It is a vast repository, containing author itative information gathered by experts in every realm of human inquiry and research. Here you will find the answer to the thousand and one questions that the morning papers, lectures, sermons and books bring to every active mind. It'will be your guide to the history and literature of every country and every race in the world. Some of the subjects covered in this encyclopedia are: transporta tion, business and industry, natural resources, manufacturing, art, lit erature, biography, history, gov ernment, philosophy, psychology, medicine, astronomy, chemistry. Physics, engineering, communica tions, sports and travel. As an aid to your children in their studies and general educa tion, this set may prove invaluable to you. Not To Be Rejnoved Of course, due to the value of this set of reference .work, these volumes may not be removed from the library. But you will find a very pleasant reading room, in which to consult them at your leisure. Continuously Revised Included in this purchase was the britannica book of The year, which is the Ency clopedia’s answer to the problem of keeping up to date between Printings. It bridges the gap be tween printings, and in so doing, presents an authoritative review of the march of events. Its various articles are focused on the hap penings of the last ydar. Well-Illustrated And Indexed This year-book, as well as the 24 volume set of encyclopedia, is profusely illustrated and welMn- dexed. Many of the illustrations ^re full-color plates, and the in- ^ex is complete enough to guide you to the answer to every little question. Ecusta’s Men’s Basketball Team And Their Coach m ^ * If ^ is,' ^ Several members of the Elcusta Men’s Basketball team are shown above. They are, reading from left to right, front row: Mitch Taylor, Frank Case, Gilbert Coan, Willie Nelson and Jack Sterling. Back row: Jim Wingate, Coach, Jim Rigdon, Grover Suttles, C. D. Thbmias and Hugh Bradbum, Manager. Other players not present are Marvin Simpson, Oliver Taylor and Orton Crowder. Members Of Ecusta’s 1945 Girls’ Basketball Team Above is a picture of the Ecusta Girls’ Basketball team. They are reading from left to right, front row: Evelyn Taylor, Doris Payne, Barney Sisk, Amy Hyder, Bernice Smith and Wanda Smith. Back row: Mary Alice Merrill, WUUe Prince and Mary Prince. Other members of the tram who were absent when this picture was taken are: Argyle Wells, Alberta Watkins, Geneva Smith, Rachelle Hamlin and Ruth Hollingsworth. PVT. POOR IN TRAINING Pvt. Miriam Poor is now a stu- dent of the Medical Dept. Enlisted Technicians’ school, Wakeman General and Convalescent hospi tal, Camp Atterbury, Ind. Upon graduation, after 3 months’ train- she will be assigned to an ^rrny hospital as a medical tech- •'ician. Pvt. Poor was employed asl a bleach helper at Ecusta. Aug. ’44 she enlisted in the WAC. Ecusta Basketball —from I’ACiE ONE Case (6) G McNamara (9) Substitutes: Ecusta, Thomas and Fisher; AAF, Jacobs (4) and Snipes (10). First Spinster: Is it true that you’re going to be married? Second Spinster: “No, but I’m thankful for the rumor.” On Saturday night, January 20, Grade Egg teams frrom Asheville won a double header, defeating our men’s team 45 to 34 and the girls 28 to 26. The line-ups of these games were as follows: MEN’S GAME Ecusta Pos. Grade Egg Nelson 0 F W. Patton 7 Case 2 F J. Patton 8 Suttles 10 C Needy 12 Coan 10 G Gaddy 14 Sterling 4 G Chambers 2 Subs.: Ecusta—Taylor 4, Thom as 2; Grade Egg—Felmet 2. GIRLS’ GAME Ecusta Pos. Merrell 9 F Taylor 7 F Prince, W. 10 C F Smith G Prince, M G Sisk G Subs.: Ecusta—Pangle; Egg—Orr, Boyd. Grade Egg Chambers 12 Owenby 4 Holcombe 8 Couch 4 Lendsey Corn Grade On Friday night, January 26, the teams played Dunean Mills clubs, of Greenville, in the college gym, but results were not available in time for publication in this issue. On Saturday night the Ecusta men’s team will go to Mars Hill for a game with the college there. Games scheduled so far are: February 17—Champion teams here; February 21, Ecusta men vs. Asheville School for Boys; February 24, Ecusta teams vs. Champion at Canton. Jim Wingate is coaching the men’s team and E. F. Tilson is, girls’ coach. BUY WAR BONDS!