All Ecustans Extend Cordial Welcome To Senators And Guests QUALITY FIRST THEN dUANTITY 7; No. 6 NOT HOW MUCH BUT HOW WELL PISGAH FOREST, N. C. SENATORS VISIT ECUSTA To Hold Big Annual Picnic July Fourth fUNT WILL SHUT DOWN FOR EVEOT Dust’s Program Planned. ^ Large Attendance Is E*p«cted For Picnic. Next Wednesday, July 4th., is V* “ig day and a record crowd of , ’•Stans is expected to attend the annual picnic to be held at Sapphire. The plant will its annual shut-down on that so all Ecustans and their fam- there. A full day of -• .ities has been arranged be- ® concert at '0 in the morning and finishing P with a big street dance in Bre- jT^that night. ^ Popcorn, Lemonade And Ice Cr«am , *ue ~ - LONG MAY IT WAVE OVER THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE Cafeteria gang will be on W serve free ice cream and jjj f'ade to everyone and Ward Ijj^jsoiv’s pop-corn machine will ^‘nere to pop corn for every- the^' those who take part in sbl ®*®'®3ting contests will be to have all of the pie they jjL ®®t. However, everyone is »tr '’ring his own basket din- since the picnic will last '9te morning until Wcni^u suggested that *^kers bring enough food in —Tom To Page Eight U.R.B. HEARING report released Examiner Denham Sub- Report And Makes Recommendations .The tio Intermediate report of R. N. trial examiner of the Na- *>«ld Relations board, who clijj, * hearing last March on against the Ecusta, Belt and Champagne cor- by the International t*, 3®^"hood of Paper Makers (A. released a few days Uoft ® report and recommenda- l’ will be filed with the B. in Washington, recom- dismissal of most of the made against the three by the union, thif ® respect to the union’s that the companies had —Turn To Page Twelve WHl LUNCH AND INSPECT PLANTS Approximately 300 S t a t« Senators And Guests To Lunch In Cafeteria Sat. On this Fourth of July, 194V, Americans everywhere have much to be thankful for and at the same time a big job in the Pacific remains to be done. In celebrating the Fourth this year, let’s re solve to renew our efforts to lick the Japs and to bring the boys back home before another Fourth comes around, and then we’ll have the biggest observance in history! Camp Sapphire To Be Opened To All Ecustans And Their Families Soon ECUSTANS INVITED TO USE CANNERY Invitation Is Extended By Supt. J. B. Jones To All Ecusta V. Gardeners All Ecusta Victory gardeners are being invited to use the facili ties of the Community Cannery that is located in a building next to the Brevard high school. This cannery is modern in every respect and was in operation last season for the first time. The cannery is now open one day a week and in the near future it will be in operation at least five days a week. Meats, fruits and vegetables are canned in it. “I have been observing the Vic tory Gardens near your plant and through you I wish to congratulate all those in your organization who are participating in this program,” Supt. J. B. Jones wrote President Hariy Straus on June 27. —Tam to Page Eight Work Is Underway, But Em ployees Can Now Use Lake And Grounds Beautiful Camp Sapphire, which was recently purchased by the Company as a recreational center, will be opened to all Ecustans and their families every day, starting next Wednesday. This means that every employee and his or her families will have the privilege of using all of the available facilities at the camp this summer. These facilities in elude the large lake, grounds and picnic centers. All employees who use the camp will be expected to register. Employees are privileged to en joy fishing, swimming, diving, pic- nicking and so on. Life guards will be on duty at the lake. Lew is Surrette is caretaker at the camp. Many splendid suggestions for development of the camp into an ideal recreational center were made by employees in the recent contest conducted by the Company. —Tom To P»ge Bight Ecusta will be host Saturday to the North Carolina State senators and distinguished guests who are holding a special one-week summer session this week at Henderson ville. Approximately 300 senators and guests will attend a luncheon in the Cafeteria at one o’clock and following the luncheon they will make a tour of the plants. The luncheon program will be brief in-so-far as speech-making is concerned and will feature mu sic and entertainment by the Ecus ta band, quintette and John Evers- man, recreational director. Raymond Bennett, general su perintendent, will preside at the luncheon and words of .welcome will be extended by President Harry Straus and Mayor Verne Clement. Monroe Redden, of Hen dersonville, will give the response. George Wheeler, president of the Brevard chamber of commerce, will talk briefly about the assets and attractions in the county. At 5 o’clock the senators will re turn to Hendersonville for a bond —Toni To Page Bight MACHINE ROOM IN FIRST PLACE Still Undefeated As Baseball Season Reaches Half-Way Mark. Results Given. As the baseball season reached its half-way mark this week the Machine Room boys are still an undefeated team, having won all of their first ten games of the sea son. Pulping moved into second place and Maintenance and Con trol were tied for third place. In Thursday’s games. Machine Room beat Control 10 to 7 and Maintence licked the Pulping team 17 to 8. Payne tossed for Machine Room and Corn for Control. Cagle pitched for Pulping, while NeW- bury was on the mound for Main tenance. The line-ups for Thursday’s —Turn To Page Five