quality FIRST THEN quantity NOT HOW MUCH BUT HOW WELL 7; No. 7 PISGAH FOREST, N. C. July, 194V To Hold Garden Display In September Progress Is Being Made In The Development Of Camp Sapphire -O' ‘ ALL EMPLOYEES ARE INVITED TO ENTER EXHIBITS '^e crew of workers shown above are working on one of the new barbeque pits that have just been constructed at Camp Sapphire, Two large picnic areas have already been established and several bar- **«iue pits have been built. Many Ecustans have been visiting and picnicking and swimming at the *^®wp and have been really enjoying themselves. hmployees urged TO enjoy camp Many Improvements ^ide. Lake Is Popular Place For Swimming. , ^ good many improvements already been made at Camp ®Pphire and all employees and families are urged to enjoy sn facilities of this beautiful and Pscious camp that has been dedi- to their pleasure. “T r 1 j ^ Want every Ecustan to feel o®® to enjoy Camp Sapphire to jj® fullest possible extent,” Pres- Straus said. f’or the past two weeks an av- ®ge of approximately 60 persons the week and 100 persons I Saturdays and Sundays have visiting and picnicking at ‘^amp. Others are invited to use it. ^^nder the direction of Alex Ki- ’ a large crew has been busy up the grounds, estab- staii”® picnic areas, in- tj. ‘•'g pits, erecting swings get- (jjf? the tennis courts in top con- horse shoe pits, soft ^field and so on. the work will continue and fur- development and expansion will be carried out in line M desires and wishes of em- it is pointed out. PUv already has a nice 'ground for children and more —Turn To Page Four Large Crowd Attended Big Annual PicniC; Camp Sapphire Dedicated Company Has Good Accident Record So Far This Year By H. E. NEWBURY It is gratifying to note that for the first six months during 194V there have been only four lost time injuries’, as compared with eleven for the same period in 1944. Full credit for this wonderful improvement goes to the employ ees throughout the mill. Without their co-operation, such a decrease in personal injuries could not take place. The frequency rate of lost time accidents in paper mills through out the United States is 29.6 at the pjesent time. Here at Ecusta, the frequency rate is 3.1 for the first six months of this year as compared with 9.1 for the same pe riod during 1944. This wonderful decrease in in juries is one that every employee should be justly proud of, and the safety department wishes to con gratulate each one of you for the part you are playing. MISTAKEN IDENTITY You have never kissed so won derfully before, Charlotte. Why is that? Because we are In a black out? No, because my name is Irene. Large Number Of Contests Held. President Straus Makes A Talk. Our annual Fourth of July Pic nic was enjoyed by approximately 4,000 employees and their fam ilies, with the program starting at 9:30 o’clock in the morning and lasting until about 11 o’clock that night It was an old-fashioned picnic, featuring contests of all kinds for men, women and children, and with ice cream, lemonade and popcorn free to all. The Ecusta band furnished music for the oc casion. This was the first annual picnic held at Camp Sapphire since the Company purchased this property and started developing it into a recreational center for all employ ees. The plans for this development were stressed by President Harry Straus in an extemporaneous speech made at three o’clock and by the awarding of prizes to win ners of the special Camp Sapphire Development and Promotion con test. At the same time, he dedicated the beautiful and spacious Camp to the enjoyment of all Ecustans and their families. He said that the Company had plans for developing Turn To Page Four Prizes To Be Awarded Win ners. Display To Be Held At The Cafeteria. An Ecusta victory garden dis play or fair will be held at the plant in September and all em ployees are invited to enter ex hibits, it was announced this week. The company victory garden committee checked up and found that nearly every Ecusta, Cham pagne and Endless family is rais ing a victory garden this year and decided to conduct this exhibit In order to encourage further pro duction and canning this season. The display will be held on the porch of the Cafeteria and will in clude both canned and fresh vege tables along with small fruits, fresh and canned, and flowers. Awards will be presented to winners in each class. These prizes will consist of attractive ribbons and cash awards to first, second and third prize winners. Additional awards will,be made for divisions *or departments in the plant having the greatest per centage of employees making en tries in the display and also com munities having the greatest num- —Turn To Page Thirtoen FILLMORE gets BIG hand HERE Noted Band Conductor And Composer Directs Music School-Camp Band A highly varied, outstanding and entertaining program was present ed at the July employee party held last Wednesday night at the plant and featured a concert by the fine 72-piece band of the Transylvania Music School-Camp, under the di rection of Henry Fillmore, nation ally known bandmaster. A large crowd attended the par ty and enjoyed the delightful con cert which was given out on the lawn. They were, particularly grati fied over having the opportunity of seeing Mr. Fillmore in action and of hearing some of his own compo sitions. Other conductors of the evening included James Christian Pfohl, director of the music school- camp and an outstanding band leader and musician. Following the concert, the crowd moved inside of the Cafeteria where colored movies taken of the Fourth of July picnic and the Ben- —Turn To Page Fow