QUALITY FIRST THEN QUANTITY Vol. 7; No. 12 FISGAH FOREST, N. C. NOT HOW MUCH BUT HOW WELL December, 1945 Pay Increase And Shorter Work Week Announced Play To Be Given At January Meeting Of Five-Year Club The entertainment committee of the Five-Year Service club has just announced that the three-act play, PETTICOAT FEVER, by Mark Reed, will be presented at the next regular meeting January 8th., in the cafeteria. The play is sched uled to start at 8 o’clock and is given in honor of Mr. Straus’ birth day. All employees are cordially invited to attend whether or not they are members of the Five Year Service club. PETTICOAT FEVER — an out standing success on Broadway and in the summer theatres. “Dascom J^insmore is the feverish wireless operator with whom the story •leals. You come upon him in a fidgety, sex-starved mood, tossing himself from chair to davenport ®nd back again, casting miniature airplanes about the room, taking ?lingshots at a ctwbell and reg istering frustration with all his •flight and main. Unkempt and (careless as to costume, his wild Oats are behind him, and the fu ture stretches, heartbreakingly 'vomanless, ahead. You can imag ine what happens when Ethel Cam Pion, young, beautiful and charm iog, descends literally from the clouds, bringing her fiance, Sir James Fenton, with her. Their air plane is smashed beyond repair, '■ailroads are non-existent, rivers are frozen over. What is there to *^0 but radio for assistance and "'ait for assistance to arrive? It’s a long time coming, thanks to ^ashing Dascom’s aerial double- '5'ossing and the unexpected ap- Pearance of Clara Wilson, one of Dinsmore’s cast-off fiancees. How Dascom wins Ethel, how Clara wins Sir James is the pur port of the tale, a tale that twists and turns with more laughs than —Turn To Page Thirteen Annual Ecusta Baby Contest Announced, $25 Victory Bond The Echo is conducting a Baby *^ntest again this year, and the ^mpany will give a $25 Victory ^nd free to the first baby bom to Ecusta family in 1946. . The rules of the contest are ®iniple and require only that either ^he father or mother must be an ^nipioyee of the Companies, work- at the plant here. All entries must be submitted to ^he office of the Echo on or be fore January 19th. and a doctor’s ®®rtificate must accompany the en- which gives the day, hour and Place of birth. The winner of the contest will announced in the January edi ^ioa of the Echo. For the past six years, our Christmas celebrations have been clouded by the fear and uncertainty of war. Throughout those dark years the basic principles of freedom and security, upon which our country ^is founded, were constantly threatened. Our recent vic tory has lifted this cloud from our people and during this Holy season the doctrine of “peace on earth, good will toward men” has a greater meaning than ever before. Adding to our happiness this year is the fact that many families and friends are united again by the return of those who were in the Armed Forces and the assurance that those who are still away in the service of our country are in no danger and will soon reitum home. In deepest gratitude on this peaceful Christmas, we join together in a silent prayer for the gallant men and women who have given their lives to help preserve our way of life. I believe that it is especially appropriate this victory year for us to re-dedicate ourselves to the preservation of the freedoms for which they fought and died. At this time each year our thoughts also turn to the future- I unite with you in the hope for a lasting peace, and a brighter world of decency, good fellow ship, and opportunity. Your Company, as in the past, will always do its share in accomplishing these pur poses. We are constantly planning for the years ahead. Through the development of new and better products and the expansion of our facilities, we will continue to contribute to the advancement of our community, and to help provide full and happy lives for all our co-workers. I sincerely hope that you and your family will en joy this holiday season. May you have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. HARRY H. STRAUS, President. Christmas Parties Are Being Given, All Employees Get Christmas Checks Again # Bingo Party To Be Given On Dec. 28 The Recreation department is planning another big bingo party to be held in the cafeteria on Fri day, December 28th. There will be free prizes given and all employ ees, their husbands and wives, are cordially invited to participate. Buses will run from Rosman and Brevard. A large crowd attended the Thanksgiving bingo party and, since it was so successful, many requests have been received for an other one. An even larger crowd —Turn To Page Five Program of Christmas Music And Singing Presented By Band And Chorus. Christmas parties are being held this week in the cafeteria for em ployees of all three of our Com panics. A program of beautiful Christ mas music and carols by the Ecu sta band and girls’ chorus under the direction of John Eversman, is being featured at each party. The annual Christmas messages are being given by President Har ry H. Straus and General Superin tendent Raymond F. Bennett. At the conclusion of each pro —Turn To Page Five OMPANIES Wni RETURN TO 42- HOUR SCHEDEES ifteen Per Cent Increase To Be Given To Hourly Workers. On or before February 4, 1946, the companies will return to a 42- hour work-week schedule and a general increase of 15 per cent in wages will be paid to hourly work* ers. President Harry H. Straus stated in his annual Christmas message to employees. He also announced that in 1946 the companies will give all hourly employees with five or more years of continuous service a two weeks’ vacation. Mr. Straus’ special message was as follows: “You will recall that in the Oc tober issue of THE ECHO, I «x- plained to you that our companies would return to their normal pre- v;ar schedule as soon as possible. The war emergency is now over and we will put into effect the 42- hour work schedule not later than February 4, 1946, or sooner if con ditions permit. At the time that we do return to the 42-hour schedule, the companies will give a general increase in wages of 15% to hour ly workers. “It is a pleasure for me to an nounce this increase and the re duced working hours to all of you who have worked so hard and —^Tum To Page Four TO GIVE PARTIES FOR THE CHILDREN Annual Christmas Parties For Ecusta Children To Be Given Saturday. The Christmas parties for all Ecusta children will be held in the company Cafeteria on Saturday af ternoon, December 22nd., from 1 p. m. to 8 p. m. Children of all employees are cordially invited to attend. Chil dren of Ecusta men and women who are still in the service are especially invited. Several differ ent parties will be held—each last ing for one hour. Tickets have been issued to employees for their chil dren. Tickets for Ecusta children whose parents may be in the ser vice can be obtained at the gate house. As has been the custom, Santa Claus and his helpers will be on hand to greet the children and to give each one of them a present. —Tom To Page Twelve