. I -11 PAGE TWO THE ECHO October, 19^ News And Gossip From Our Various Departments Power Dept. News By WARD and NORWOOD Walter Kay has been seriously ill with pneumonia. He has just re turned home from the Transylvania Community hospital and is great ly improved now. Hope you will be back with us soon, Walt. Best of luck! Mr. Galloway has been out from work for some time due to an ex tended sickness, but he is back with us and we wish him best of luck! Obie (Hunter) Willingham at tended the Cherokee fair. We un derstand that he thoroughly en joyed himself. (What! no bows and arrows, Obie?) We hear that Sam K. has a “moon treeing dog”. Is he for sale Sam? A. D. Harrell spent his vacation at Jacksonville, Fla. We will keep you posted as to his “fish” story. Carl Cantrell attended the Can trell reunion the other day. We hear that he was “the life of the party.” Carl, there’s more joy in a smile than in a carload of tears. Sam Matthews had an accident at the Filter Plant. Take care of yourself, Sam, we need you badly on the bowling team. Sherman Hunter has a bouncing baby boy at his home. Congratula tions, Hunter. Bill Lyda has returned from Boston, Mass., where he has been attending school. Glad you are back, Bill. We couldn’t get any details from Ward on his fishing trip to South Carolina, but we hear he had a nice swim. The Power department bowling team has not proven up to expec tations thus far. We assure our competitive opposition to look for better games in the future. “Pete” Norwood and his sister, Mrs. Paul Baker, have had as their guests their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Norwood, of Mon roe. So long until next month. Office Bits By FELICIA EDWARDS Football season is here again, and most of the office force is taking advantage of it. Those who went to the Furman-South Caro lina game report a grand time. By the way, Harvey, in the future you’d better watch your step when you go wandering around in strange gardens. It’s nice to have Betty Sue Til- son with us again after an ab sence of two weeks. She says that losing one’s appendix isn’t a very pleasant experience. The Personnel department fi nally got moved into their new of fices and seem to be very pleased with their surroundings. We welcome Alexander J. Duris and Otis G. Morgan to the office force and hope they will like working with us. Pat Hodson has just returned from Tampa, Fla., where she was called due to the illness of friends. She reports that both Mr. and Mrs. Ritter are much improved. Chigger, what kind of watch did you say you were thinking of giv ing to Mildred? Those taking vacations this month were: Katherine Kirk, Carl Stephens, Charles Dunlop, Harry Byers, Harvey Souther, Relja Rus sell, Pearl Hamlin, Lita Steppe, and Ted Reese. So long till next month. m "TMIS PAPER IS VERV POPULAR. FOR CHILDRENS ROOfAS." Refining News By JACK RHODES Here it is deadline time again and as per usual, I am late. First right off the bat, hats off to Clifford, Leland and Paul. They finally have been able to show Thad Newman that they are coon hunters. On vacation now, they left promising some hair-rais ing tales when they got back. Ed Whitmire spent his vacation making “lasses” and made enough so that he won’t have to buy any breakfast cereal for quite a while. Les Bryson is not on vacation but he is sure bringing in the meat. Les bought a new gun the other day and killed a nice 125 lb. bear the next day. Now he does it—since the meat shortage is over, so are price ceilings. If you’d care for jitterbugging, see “Jit” Mills or myself. We worked ourselves into a lather the other night and only succeeded in keeping the neighbors awake. In cidentally, Jimmy is also a fair Pinochle player. Clannie McGaha seems to be in a good humor these days, his beagle is near hunting age and he loves to chase rabbits (cats, too). Cleat Hardin has been promoted to be “coffee-getter” in place of Ralph Nicholson and is fast be coming popular. Jack Wilbur and A1 Montville made a fast trip over to see Ten nessee whip Alabama. Jack’s team won but he’s still griping. Should n’t give so many points, Willy. “Speedy” Jones has received a warning from the “Up-lifting Society” not to hunt out of sea son, hunt without license, trespass or buy himself another dog. The one he has is good only for pole cats and ’possums. “Snatch” Moss is president, Guy Emerson, Sgt- at-arms, and “Doc” Gillespie is Sheriff of the “Up-Lifting Soc iety.” If that society can keep Enno Camenzind from tradine new cars. Bud White in lighter fluid, and keep J. B. Rogers out of his beaters, why then, I’m all for it! Rupert Gordon has been out «ick for a few days and we hope to see him back soon. Our congratulations to Floyd ^vans on his recent marraige to Miss Helen Kimzey of the Piiln Mill office. Flovd is one of the oIde*t men In the department and everyone wishes them smooth sail ing. The engagement of Caskell Rhodes to Miss Helen Smith has been announced, the wedding to take place in November. Miss Smith is from the Mill Office and Caskell, also a five-year man and a beaterman, is from Refin ing. To all four of you people, the best of luck. Lamar Hamilton had the mis fortune to fall last week and suf fers a gash on his forehead and a badly bruised elbow. He is re^ covering nicely and says he won’t try to slide under any more boxes. “Gizzard” Thomas is one of the hardest men to get a bet with (that I know of). On the Army-Duke game he actually refused to give me 28 points on Army. Huh, the tightwad! Sam King is building a house on his five days off and Cleat Hardin and Herman Brown will furnish nails, he is going to let them help. Lloyd McGaha and Jimmie Cox say that they surely will be glad to get back on graveyard. I hope the next alarm clock that Jimmy Mills gets has a set of instructions with it. He has for gotten how to set the alarm to get up by in the mornings. That’s about enough—so long, folks! Refining News «D” SHIFT By BILL HENSON Well, here we go again. Another month has rolled around and still not very much Refining news. Clarence Israel was out from work two days last week with “coffee colic.” It doesn’t seem that drinking just two pots of cof fee would give one the “colic,” does it? Just wonder what Bill Anders was looking for in the parking lot the other day. Hope you found it. Bill. From the description Maise Har din gave us of the Hendersonville Fair, we are wondering if he ac tually got to the fair grounds?? Anyone seeing a horse floating down the river, please notify Wal ter Nicholson at once! Jerry Freeman will probably have a hoot owl for sale now as meat is more plentiful. Allen Kimzey was transferred to "D” shift this week ai spare Autobound New* By SARA LOFTIS And EULA GRAY . Here we are back news and views from the A bound Department. A miscellaneous shower given for Mrs. Carl Bryson merly Miss Clara Barnett, a . home of Mrs. Silver MaM , Violet Lyday, Margaret Louise Southers as joint host We have another bride j department, Clara Belle " is married to Earl Owen. ^ luck to you both. „ .ugse Eula Gray is “all smiles days since “Dickie Boy” in California. . per- We are glad that jll- n»id is back with us after ness. V to Willie Prince is also y work after her vacation ii* ida. f ... tfgep' Ellen and Betsey are , jje ing their late hours. How Fair turn out, girls? a Jewell is back to work trip to Oklahoma. Lucy Misenheimer is ^ fot she will get a new jj baV' histmas since she has D . jj^r ing trouble telling time " old one. , out Evelyn Nicholson the*® more shoes!! Wonder if ^ long hikes she’s been lately? There’s been talk of ^jU a Sewing and Crochet Circ let everyone know when an the first meeting will fC' Jennie is reported to a ceived many lovely ® shower in Canton last night. . nawa? Anyone having any cS" chickens”, see Sammy, always find them. ^ Alberta spent her vac Florida. . iq So long and don’t get ^ mischief on Halloween. asy Chemical Lab. By THELMA GLA zen®® The topic of conversati JC' Laboratory tends toward ries, football and turnin® This means only one tW ber. jf Lucy Clarke spent vacation in Norfolk jef' Charleston for the reniai “Cindy” Brown went ersburg, Fla., for her gpri®^ Went sight-seeing at visit, Dr. Sigmon and of the Cherokee fair ana teresting exhibitions and craftsmanship. Eva SenteUe spent Carolina Beach. She als . the Cherokee Indian Edith SUles, Edith ^ and Pearl Mull are s about spending the ml*’ j, ville with Julia Morga"’ Anna Holliday toured gtjpr ies and on the way by to see the fair at Cn It’s swell to have jell all well after her a By the way, won’t s to “Punchy” when it s home? , .iju tb® I Ned Medford is J*" about the boy. Congra Dot Johnson says trouble like “moving til® Anyone want help? 1“,) — i(eF beaterman. Welcome, don’t talk too much a” peace and quite In