IS EXPERIENCE THE BEST TEACHER? "Experience is the best teacher” is a saying that we have often heard, but its truth depends on the nature of the lesson. When a lesson can be learned without serious harm, experience is indeed the best, and sometimes the only teacher. But when learning a lesson entails damage to property, serious injury or death, then experience has applied the rod, so to speak, with a severity that defeats its purpose. When safety is the lesson to be learned, ex perience is the best teacher only when it is the experience of somebody else. The experience of losing his or her life is wasted on the driver, pedestrian or worker who is killed in any type of accident. The experience of months in a hos pital bed or of weeks in a law court, is cosily tuition for one’s education in traffic or industrial safety. If we wish to avoid these dire costs, we must apply the experience of others to ourselves. ALWAYS GET "FIRST AID FIRST!” To receive a personal injury is bad, but to re-^ port such injuries from one to seven days late is much worse. Infections often result from minor injuries not being treated immediately, and we have had a number of lost time cases due to such infections. With a Nurse on duty at all times, there is no justifiable reason why we should not get "First Aid First.’* Yes it was ..AN accident. Yes,WE HAVE Safet' , Rules. Ho,I DIDN'T FOLLOW V „ , THEM. Yes, 1 WISH i.Had. MO.THEY AREN T T00( iTfticT. Yes, IT Hurts low Beat JUST USE X ( YOUR \ \ IMAGINATION \ AND SEE WHAT \ —^UNSAFE HAND ^ TOOLS CAN /I DO. / I! I NICE GOING ^ A r DAI Jp ^YPn R*®HT YOU /M PAL,WE FIXED ARE. MAYBE M HE-LLTAKE r ( better care ' VOF USZ^ ^ J/KHlt-MoR^iAtL