HARRY H. STRAUS, , J ' Chairman of Board | ^ .J ■ of Directors 1/t - Tlae eartii and the fullness thereof has been placed at man’s disposal. Whatever use he makes of it depends upon his particular talents, ambi tions, foresight, and perseverance. One man who has made use of all these qualities is Mr. Harry H. Straus, who has a profusion of talents, an impelling ambition, a keen foresight and a driv ing pursuit of all undertakings. The world got its first look at Mr. Straus January 9th, 1884. From the day of his birth un til the turn of the century he lived the life of any normal boy, fishing in the streams, playing with his many friends, and going to school. At the age of 16 he became an apprentice in a large iron works, and later worked in his father’s factory. Having a desire to learn the English language, he came to the United States in 1904 where he was engaged by Gutmann and Company, selling cork sheets to Boucher Cork and Machine Com pany. Mr. Straus realized that the United States was where he belonged, and he decided to make it his adopted country. In 1909 he purchased Boucher Cork Company, becoming a manufac turer of cork tipping for cigarettes, an importer of gramophone needles, cork sheets, smoker’s ar ticles, and an importer and maker of manicure sets. On December 31st of that year he married Martha Washington Landeck. In 1912 he founded the Rotagravure Company, making calendars and doing commercial print- 68