INSPECTION AND CONTROL |; ' ' By Llaleigh Waldrop I and ^ ^ Holland Corn We all welcome Mr. Hanes as our new Presi dent. If anyone can fill the place of Mr. Straus, it surely is Mr. Hanes. Let’s all give him our support and help make his new undertaking a pleasant one. Charlie Cox’s son Terry, underwent an operation at the Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem several days ago. At present he is getting along nicely. We extend our sympathy to Carolyn Ashworth in the death of her father. Seems "Bob” McCall knows just when to plan his vacation. At least he vacationed in Florida, the same time as President Truman. Spring must be close at hand to hear the noise of the garden tractors. David Surrette can add his name to the list of those who are already plowing the mechanical way. Also Stella Seay has a hand in the making of a garden out her way. She re ports Clyde has a garden tractor too. No doubt from time to time the tractors need repairs. It has been suggested for anyone in need of service to see "Sertty” on "C” Shift. He seems to have his own methods, and to finish the job he gives the tractor a bath in a creek nearby. Bobbie Martin seems to be giving the girls in Finishing a rush. Is the latest "crush” one of the cute blondes or is she a redhead? John Price tells one that’s hard to believe, but John says it’s true so it must be. Says he was on his way to work the other day, when he saw a real live fish in the highway. He caught it and put it in a stream nearby. John doesn’t want Willie to know about it for he’ll spend the summer fishing for it. Kenneth McDarish is now in the process of building a new home. If anybody wants the lowdown on Pearl Mull’s latest roinance, ask the boys on "A” Shift. From their reports her interests are down Horseshoe way. Guess the boys will soon return from Iowa. We know they’ll all be glad to get back home. Boys come back and visit us. Tom Bryson and Ray Byrd are going to start the summer off right with a fishing trip next week. If Tom can fry fish with the same art as he does chicken, we know they’ll have some good eating. The happy little fellow is Robert Vernon Tay lor, Jr., son of Mr. and Airs. Robert Taylor. His father is employed on "C” Shift in Inspection. FILTER PLANT By Fred E. Floyd Well, another month has rolled around, and believe you me, news is hard to dig up. Baseball season is here again, and P. B. York is our man from the Filter Plant. He made a nice hit in a game the other day — a line drive to the catcher. Richard Kuykendall has been muttering to him self for several days these words: "The herd MUST get over the border”. Upon investigation we find that he has one of those you-know-what sets in his home. Hi-Ho Jumpalong Rogers. Larry Dixon wants to go snipe hunting. Any body got an extra "toe-sack”? Has anyone heard from "Love Pine Farm” late ly.^ That’s Carl Cantrell’s spread, you know. He has planned to put in several acres of corn flakes this year. His land is sorta hilly tho—he sets out his sweet potato slips with a shotgun. Craig Sharpe likes his pipe much better, now that he smokes tobacco in it. However, he says that oak leaves is pretty good to break one in. We welcome Carl Enloe to our ranks as assist ant operator. He works with Fritz Waldrop. Golf is supposed to have originated in Scotland. Hunlay Mehaffey doesn’t think so. He can’t see a Scotchman hitting a seventy-five cent golf ball out of sight. Then there’s the one about the Scotchman who betrayed his race—he perspired FREELY. 25