DEPARTMENTAL NEWS PAPER DIVISION CHAMPAGNE MACHINE SHOP We wish to introduce to the readers of the "Echo”, Dee Landreth who will hence forth be reporting and pos sibly making the news for this column. Dee is a local Transylvania boy with strict ly local hobbies, hunting, fish ing and baseball. We make no mistake in stating that Dee will make his own news from time to time. With the approach of hunting season we shall look forward to some great hunting stories backed up with evidence of coon, bear, and deer meat on the table. Dee can be located most anywhere in Cham pagne Division, repairing and maintaining our machinery. Like the old dependable fireman, he is on the job whenever trouble appears, if not be fore. Away from the job, when he isn’t hunting or fishing, one is apt to find him playing inter departmental baseball. He usually picks a winning team to play with, the Cardinals, which in this season won 8 out of 12 games, and took the first game of the playoff. With the weather turning chilly and cool, the Champagne Machine Shop is planning for their last outdoor picnic of the year. Kathleen, 13 year old daughter of Fernando Jones of the Champagne Machine Shop, is shown holding the certificate for a television set that she won recently in a contest in the Hendersonville Times-News. With her are her two brothers, Doran 6, and Lionell, 9. "I REFINING By Jack Rhodes Recent vacationers in Re fining have been Mays Wal drop, W. C. McClung and W. B. Kilpatrick. Shorty McClung was go ing to lay around and see if he could beat somebody out of a new motor cycle. Burgin Kilpatrick took his vacation so that he could be at home with his son. Darns, who is home on leave from the U. S. Navy. They en joyed a nice trip through the Smokies and to oth er points of interest. "Speedy” Jones is on vacation, too. Gone to the capitol, Washington, D. C. Guess he figured he would give the President a hand. (Wonder why Stroup didn’t go.) Guy Emerson and family took a trip to Chatta nooga to see his brother. Went through Copper Hill and reported a nice time being a tourist. Glover Jackson has stepped out in a new 1951 Pontiac. Cat Rhodes has bought a ’48 Ford and Ed Brackett bought a ’48 Plymouth. Willie Riddle of "A” Shift has moved into his recently purchased home at Etowah. Clifford Gillespie and Bill Bentley caught an opossum on the loading platform the other night and Bill took it home to train his pup on. Need less to say, the possum lasted about one bite. Well, baseball season is just about over and it is still anybody’s guess who will be in the Series. See that Tom McCall wound up the season at Macon, Ga., with a record of 12 wins against 6 losses for a .667 percentage. Nice going, Tom. Bowling season is just about to get underway. For a good evening’s entertainment and relaxa tion, go over and boost the team representing your department. Better still, join a team and partici pate. It’s good exercise. See by the Safety Board that the safe days record was broken at over 2,345,000 hours. That is a nice record and one to be proud of. Let’s all try to set another record higher. TRADING POST FOR SALE—Three-bedroom brick house, full basement, stoker heat, detached garage. Call Mrs. Charles Ray, Brevard 430. FOUND—Cigarette lighter. Call at The Echo office. 20