DEPARTMENTAL NEWS CELLOPHANE DIVISION FINISHING DEPARTMENT SHEETING ROOM By Willoree Garland Lorena O’Kelly and husband, Van, recently went to Glenville to fish. Lorena didn’t tell us very much about the fish she caught, but she did tell us about getting a crick in her neck. Ray Keener has been taking advantage of the several days he’s worked second shift. He’s been building a chicken lot, and getting lots of sun shine, too. Callie Talky and family enjoyed the weekend by visiting friends in Hickory and Charlotte. Ralph Patterson had a flat tire coming to work one morning. Ralph, you should start to work 30 minutes early, or buy some new tires. We’ve been thinking of buying Lewis Meece either a scooter or some roller skates, so he won’t have trouble getting from one department to an other. It would save on his shoe wear, too. Elizabeth Barnette has been going to lots of movies at Skyland Drive-In lately. There must be some interesting movies shown there. Ules Bryson has been coming to work awfully sleepy these mornings. He says the baby keeps him awake. Helen Manley enjoyed a camping trip. She’d better enjoy them now, for winter is just around the corner. FINISHING DEPARTMENT "A" SHIFT SLITTING Charles Ziegler is reported to be recovering nicely in the Mission Hospital in Asheville. I’m sure all the fellows join me in wishing him a speedy recovery. Edwin Mann reports he finally found a house to rent in Brevard. Much better than driving to and from Canton. This gives him about two more hours a day for his favorite hobby, which is sleep ing. With baseball season coming to a close, the local nimrods are turning to thoughts of blowing the cobwebs out of the favorite "shootin’ iron” at a squirrel or two. However, no one seems to be hav ing any luck so far. I know none of you fellows are careless with your "shootin’ irons” so I won’t mention it. Will somebody lay the foundation for Charles Aikens’ house.^ He can’t seem to get started. Want to buy a house trailer? Consult Charles Breedlove. This should be a good one, Charles built it himself. If you see a trailer along the highway somewhere, stop and knock. He’ll be home. Anyone interested in "pulling” for the Red Sox and the Dodgers, please contact "Rusty” Carland. He’ll help you pull. Ballard Smith comes to us this week as service man. He was on the Standby crew at Ecusta for about two weeks. Welcome, Ballard, we hope you like it here. Get sleepy on 12-8 shift.? Try some of Hugh Allens pills. They are guaranteed to keep you awake. Well, it will soon be time for the wool shirts and "thick britches” again. Seems like in summer you wait for the fall and in the fall you wait for summer. So it goes. FINISHING DEPARTMENT "B" SHIFT SLITTING There seems to be a slitting contest between Clint Morris and Bob Whittaker. Keep up the good work and may the best man win. We hope that Doyle Stamey soon recovers from his operation and will be back with us soon. If anyone is looking for work see Elgin Ledford. He has about ten bushels of potatoes he wants dug. Here’s a hint to the housewife. If your husband doesn’t help around the house, it is high time you found out that he is a wonderful housekeeper. The men really keep their positions clean here. Keep up the good work. If you are wondering who is going to win the ball game (any ball game) just ask Otis Guice. His predictions are about 99% right. Will someone please donate Richard Clark a clock he can hear. Better still, Dick, I suggest that you get married, then you will be sure to get to work on time. Dick is our core-cutter and is very essential here, therefore, we need him every min ute. We welcome to our shift Tom Rogers. He is our new service man. He was transferred to us from the paper plant. We hope you will like it here with us, Tom. FINISHING DEPARTMENT "C" SHIFT SLITTING It’s nice in the fall of the year to see the dif ferent persons come to work with an assortment of wool shirts and sweaters. I wonder if they are 28