DADDY can’t look now, dear. Not any more. He can’t even know you as he once did, because of the agony in his heart ... he might even be trying to visuahze at this moment just how you will react to ole Santa’s visit at Christmas, and the many pleasing expressions that your little face will reveal to Mom and the others who will be pres ent at that time. Sure, Daddy will be there too, but he won’t be able to look then or ever. Unfor tunately, he was not wearing his protective goggles recently while handling a pail of strong acid, and when he stumbled and dropped the pail, an acid splash completely ruined the vision in both eyes. Why wasn’t Daddy wearing his goggles? . . . We’ll never know dear, for he had been told to always protect his eyes when doing any type work that presented a vision hazard, and had been in structed time and again to wear his goggles when handling acid in an open pail. A sad plight indeed, but one that is being ex perienced in the homes of industrial workers throughout the world as a result of their disre garding the use of protective goggles. SIGHT is such a simple word, and even though it contains only five letters of the alphabet, with no two of them alike, it is a word that we should all think about and dwell upon at length. To have the faculty of seeing and the ability to discover by looking, should remain foremost in our minds at all times.