Presenting Miss Teresa Kay Norton, 3 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Norton of Pis- gah Forest. Luther is in Cellophane Finishing. "C‘ SHIFT FINISHING By Robert Taylor Here I am again with bad news and good. First of all we are sorry to hear "Richie” Marshall, son of Clarence Marshall, is in the Asheville Orthopedic Home. Marshall, we hope "Richie” is getting tetter and will soon be back home. Ralph Brown couldn’t figure out a way to get an extra vacation so he just cut off a finger. Ralph, we are missing you, so hurry back. Paul Seagle is now driving a ’48 Convertible Chevy. I wonder why Paul waited till winter to purchase a convertible. Bobby Mitchem, his wife and boy had a nice weekend trip to Savannah Beach. By the looks of Bobby it hasn’t started getting cold there. Bobby said besides getting a sun tan he caught many fish. Edwin Salter traded cars and made a trip to Georgia. Fred Connor bought the car Edwin trad ed in, so Fred, if you bought Edwin’s troubles, you might get a chance to get even yet. Just push a little extra work off on him. Glad to have Fred Mintz back at work. He was out about two months. Hope you’re feeling bet ter, Fred. Albert Arnette is our new pull-out man. Albert came from over at the Paper Finishing Depart ment. Hope you like our shift, Albert. Our new' Service Operator is Woodrow Rob erts, Jr. Though Woodrow hasn’t worked here before, I guess many of you fellows know him. Woodrow’s home is in Pisgah Forest. Anyone want to buy a dog? Cecil Camp might be in the mood to sell one. He was bragging with a group of fellows about how his dog would get the coon off the log when all the others couldn’t. So when the time came, all the dogs tried, but Cecil couldn’t get his dog to even get his feet wet. Ralph Sentelle is trying to batch while his wife and daughter are away visiting a few days. Ralph was hoping some of you fellows would invite him to your home for a nice warm meal. Well this is about all the news this month, see you again in October. SHEETING & SHIPPING By Callie Talley is Echo news time again and as usual no one knows a thing been added to our department since we’re back in full swing. We’ve two new girls and an ^ ^ old one back. Eula Carland is our new employee; Tommie Fisher transferred from Paper Finishing; and Willoree Carland has rejoined our crew. Wel come girls, we hope you’ll enjoy working with us. We’re glad Lorena is back after her sojourn in the hospital. Willie Dockens has also been on the sick list this month, but is back now. Agnes is learning to work on the "sort and count” tables while "Becky” is learning to wrap. Sheeting certainly isn’t a dull place to be! All the conversation about the coming election and Above is Miss Cheryl Louise Sigmon, 4 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sigmon of Hender sonville. Joe is in Cellophane’s Sheeting Dept. 26