All smiles is Miss Judy Karen Ashe, J> months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burlas Ashe. Burlas is employed in the Inspection Department and Mrs. Ashe is a former employee of the Finishing Dept. the other many humorous items of The Echo. During the hunting season, which I understand has just ended, I have listened to a few of the arts of the great sport. Now I’ve heard some tell that their success was due to a particular type of gun used and it seems that in most cases they agree on the Pumps and Semi-automatic type of weapons as best suited for rabbit hunting. Well, I was just ready to up and purchase one of these fine weapons, but then one of the fellows in our ma chine shop told me of his exploits with a Stevens single shot, 12 guage shotgun. It has quite a range, and the recoil isn’t too bad. Its advantages are far more superior to other popular makes of guns. Now he says, "Take the Old Stevens shot gun, you can prod through the brush and briars with its long barrel and even into a hole to jump your rabbit. And if you get one up, you don’t have to be so careful about a little bit of dirt or mud being in the barrel, just fire away. Of course, if you’re not certain you got your quarry with that one shot, you can stalk him and if you find your shot merely injured him, well go ahead, beat the rabbit to death with your Stevens”. Now don’t take this advise from me, I can only suggest you contact a certain machinist in our shop, he says he got two rabbits in one evening. Looking through the pages of the "Ring Mag azine” one night, I was amazed at the great num ber of Boxers who had climbed up the ladder of fistic success with a "One Punch Knock-out” to gain recognition among the greats. Anyway, it appears that one of the Fore-ladies also looked at this magazine, and decided to ring up one for the fairer sex. I see she had her right in a brace and The above photo of Doris Ann Walker was made when she was six weeks old. Born Oct. 2, 1932, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Walk er of Pisgah Forest. Bill is in Paper Finishing. all bandaged. Cne question Smitty, did you knock him out or merely knock a hole through the wall of your home? After this I’m going to be extra careful picking up the maintenance cards. Gee, I’ve got a glass jaw. Not too long ago, we were visited by our Echo Editor to take a few photos of the department’s operation. Now as you know the first thing in photography is to choose a good subject and the Editor proceeded to do so. Well after the camera had caught the image of one of our operators and the possibilities of fame in her eyes, yours truly offered to become her business manager. The Big Lights, Stars and Actresses. Oh well, it could have been Hollywood "F. B.” Anyway it was a swell picture of you slitting paper for soda straw wraps. You can sure tell most of the fellows in the de partment that saw military service during World War II. Well, it so happened a section of the concrete floor was in need of repair and the Maintenance crew was called in. Now I remember about troop deployment in the service that were handled with the utmost efficiency, but this morn ing was a sight to behold here in Finishing. You would think all these maneuvers in service had become forgotten. But when those massive Pneu matic Hammers bellowed forth their stuttering, in breaking through the concrete floor, it was noticed several of our guys had all but dived into one of the core barrels placed throughout the floor, along with yours truly, in nothing flat. Well now, I don’t know about the rest of you fellows, but it seemed like a good "Fox-hole” to me. So until another battle and another "Memo from Finishing” next month, “Hasta la Vista”. 23