MMipsy m I I '^mmaiiin '• | • . r\f ' '• ,’-^J ^vIV - ' flpRSiiMBiiiEaBH ■i n i H mmm mmmm - > * —:■■■ -J » ‘r- , . I ,; "' * ™ !!■ iHHIlil ■■M^ iPiHifv modern building in Brooklyn houses the department, where Bibles, pamphlets, magazines, Watchtower Society’s factory. Their publications etc., are printed occupies one complete floor. j a ll ?> A MILLION POUNDS OF ECUSTA PAPER FOR BIBLES TO ONE CUSTOMER $> A million pounds is a lot of paper. It represents almost 3% of Ecusta’s annual production. Yet, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, who purchased this paper from us, and for whom it was specially developed, will convert it into 1.500.000 copies of the DeLuxe Edition of the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures in less than two years. These Bibles will be distributed to the "four corners of the earth” at the phenomenally low price of $1.50 per copy. What is more, some who cannot afford this cost price get them free. To appreciate fully how this is possible, you would have to visit the headquarters of this So ciety in Brooklyn, N. Y. It is entirely a non political, non-profit, non-commercial, charitable, religious corporation, devoted to Bible education. In 1942, the Society succeeded in purchasing plates of the complete King James Version of the Bible, and since then has distributed upward of 900.000 copies. In 1944, it purchased the use of the plates of the American Standard Version, and 304.000 copies have been printed and distributed. In all, they have printed and distributed over 600,000,000 copies of various publications in about 100 different languages since 1921. The press room occupies one floor of the mod ern plant on Adams Street in Brooklyn. Ecusta paper is printed from rolls on two of the four slower rotary presses (8000 impressions per hour.) The two new presses print from rolls and turn out finished magazines at the rate of 29,000 impressions per hour. Watch Tower’s World Headquarters is Bethel Home on Columbia Heights in Brooklyn, over- 4