1. The boxing matches really attracted the on lookers. This year the ring was moved in under the trees, giving both contestants and spectators dike a welcome relief from the hot sun. 2. The bingo games proved to be quite popular too, with hundreds of employees and their guests trying to win prizes such as ashtrays, pen and pencil sets, flashlights, hose, chinaware, etc, 3. Even though there were only two winners in the pie-eating contest, each of the contestants "won' himself a nice big slice of pie. 4. "Stacking-up” might look like an easy way of reaching the prize money on top of the greasy pole, but it isn’t—just ask anyone who tried it. 3. There were spills aplenty in the three-legged races. Teamwork between partners was essential. 6. Despite the partially clotidy skies and stuiden rains, swimmers still flocked to the lake. 2