Above are the two children of Mr. and Mrs. John i^imzey of Brevard. At left is Bill who is eleven years old, and Martha who is nine. John is em ployed^ in the Machine Room. "B" SHIFT MACHINE ROOM By Jack Williams and Charles Tinsley Everything seems to be under control in "Hog Town”. Mayor "Footsy” McCrary is now fire chief. The other Sunday his little boy wouldn’t go to church unless he could ride in the red fire truck which is a red pick-up. Cunningham was under the weather for a couple of days. We think he would have recup erated sooner if he had told the nurse just what was wrong with him. We couldn’t understand why Bolt didn’t like to go back into the Beater Room until we found out his Pa-in-law works back there. Tinsley is share-cropping with Red Hughey this year. Who will come out at the big end of the deal or will there be an end? They say you have to pass through two clouds to get up to Hughey’s Plantation. Wilson and Sinard had a big coon hunt planned. The morning before they were to go both of them came in red-eyed, disappointed and a bit down in the dumps. Sinard’s dog was hit by a car and killed. He says he is out of the dog business now. He has tried and failed for three years, losing a couple hundred dollars invested. Prayter is still grieving over Whitside’s leav ing B. Shift. He says he has a good man but just can’t get over Whiteside not being there. Inci dentally, he lost Vz lb. Pete started the month with a bang, getting a $10 commission on TV sets he helped a friend sell. Now he may have to sell his own. The other day he and his 7 year old son were watching a western when Pete’s wife called them to dinner. The boy wasn’t in favor of turning the set off but Pete insisted. When he leaned over some thing hit him on the head. After shaking off the stars, moon, etc., he looked around to discover his son had conked him on the head with the butt end of a toy six-shooter. They learn fast. Anyone noticed John Kimzey lately? He’s driving around in a new Ford and smoking a big pipe. John put in a bid for a new ten thousand dollar home but someone out-bid him five bucks. Ollie V. has bought him a new tract of land now. He has been taking suggestions from any one on the clearing up and ditching of it. Saw him talking it over with Ballard the other day. By the way, he came in the other day with a strained back. Says he worked too hard on his day off> but Poteet says he is just trying to get out of all these dryer felts to change. Jack Williams quit smoking about three months ago and gained five pounds. Now he has started back. Says it is cheaper to buy cigarettes than new clothes. B. Neal and W. Gash are talking big game hunts over with Banning. What does he know, boys? Ralph Teague says we can tell anything on him that we want to as long as he gets his name in the news. By the way Ralph hasn’t got any of Ballard’s deer in his barn yet. Stewart moved off and left Rice and now says he lives in the house next to B. Neal. Wonder which side of Neal’s house he does live on? S. Mull hasn’t been talking much about his cattle lately but says he has some nice pigs for sale. Anyone looking for a pig, go down and see Mull. We can’t say how much he wants for them because by the time you read this, his price might have gone up. The happy young man above is James Michael Robinson, five months old son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Robinson. His father is employed in the Machine Room. 28