Top: A photo of the new cant.een-hathhouse three days after the start of construction. Walls of the structure are of cement block and floors of all three sections will he of pottred concrete. In Camp Straus to Open May 30 The official opening date for Camp Harry H. Straus has been set for Sunday, May 30. Prior to the opening jit 2:00 P. M., the Flag will be raised and a wreath will be placed on the monument in the Memorial Plot as a tribute to employees who lost their lives during World War II. The lake will be open for bream fishing on Monday, May 31. The lake was drained and cleaned during the winter, and all bass were re moved. By removing the bass, there will be more and larger bream for the fishermen. Fishing passes can be secured from the Personnel Section of the Industrial Relations Department or from the Serv ice Department of the Film Division. All other facilities will be available as in the past. buildings of this type, concrete floors racike it possible to maintain sanitary conditions more easily than if the floors were of wood. Lotuer: Tearing down of the old canteen-recreation room tvas accomplished early.