’K" SHIFT COATING By Lonnie Jones The past month we had three men to take their va cation. Gordon Hollinsworth spent two weeks in Florida. He reported a very nice trip, and the weather was fine— not too hot. Lewis McCrary just returned from his vaca tion but he won’t talk. Melvin Atkinson and family are spending two weeks in South Carolina with relatives. David Garren told me that fishing has fallen off quite a bit in the last month or so. He said he could hardly catch enough for his own use let alone any one else. At the first of the season David was catching so many that he was keeping his neighbors supplied with fish. When you see Monroe McCall don’t get worried if he doesn’t talk too much. He hasn’t been feel ing too well since his red birds slipped out of first place. We want to take this opportunity to welcome Ace back to "A” Shift. TECHNICAL By Jack McCall Jim Shook is in business, keeping dogs for anyone on vacation. Well, maybe not just anyone, but especially those with problem dogs that require experienced handling. He is said to be well posted on the subject. Thad Newman has been very successful in his bee keeping. Joe and Knuck enjoyed getting samples of the honey. Jim Fisher wanted to get on the band wagon with Thad, so he purchased a box full of the noisy little insects. The swelling has gone down enough so that he can see again. He has returned the honey market to Thad. Kenmore said that he didn’t think it was funny when he took soap powder by mistake. He only laughed because the bubbles tickled his throat. Bill Nicholson is the most proud fellow around lately. And who wouldn’t be, with a bouncing set of new twins.. Congratulations, Bill! "D" SHIFT COATING By Nathan Reed A number from D Shift have enjoyed vacations since last month. Carrol Bahnsen spent his vacation on a trip to Clinton, Iowa; but other than visiting the old home town, I don’t know what his plans were. I have visions of liesurely days spent lolling on the great Mississippi. Coy Corn and Dewey Corn have also enjoyed a week each. Ed Morley left on the day I am writing this and the best I could ascertain he was really headed for "furrin” parts. He planned to visit Buffalo, N. Y., and Canada, both of which are furrin’ countries like Texas—I think. We all enjoyed having David Sams with us while Ed was on vacation. A Civilian Defense official, drawing up plans for billeting space in his city in case of a bomb attack, asked the pastor of a large church how many persons could sleep in the church building. "I don’t know,” replied the pastor, "but we sleep 1,400 every Sunday morning.” Patricia Ann 0’Kelly, 12 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van 0’Kelly of the Film Division. She is a 7th grade student and is taking piano lessons from Mrs. George Yehling. There were seven English expeditions to Roa noke Island during the attempted colonization. The first was in 1584 and the last was in 1591- It was in the latter year that John White returned to Roanoke Island and discovered no trace of the colonists who had been left there. 27