THE CAMPUS CRIER IV AgHE\TX«LB-BIL/rMORE CX)I>LBGB, AEHEVILLE, N. C.. MARCH 9, 1949 No. a Bulldogs Cager’s Review Of Season (OurtIapers LITTCfe COOP£flWOM! COULD LOMG Motpq/ STATE CONSIDERING AID FOR A-B.C. In the opinion of North Caro lina Representative Roy A. Tay lor, Asheville-Biltmore College can qualify and may receive state sup port if and when the Institution acquires Seely’s Castle and the surrounding property. Representative Taylor, who is a member of the Board of Trustees of the local college, ‘jponsored a measure, which was brought be fore the General Assembly. The measure calls for a resolution to aet up a special commission for working on plans to establish a junior college in Westtrn North Carolina. The special commls«lon would work on three provisions, I. To ascertain the facte as to the extent to which present col legia are meeting tho needs of •tndenta on tho freshman and •ophomoro levels. C. Tol determine if there Is need trrr the community college. 3. If it is found there is a need, (a) to define the purposes of the school, (b) set up standards and criteria for developing such schools, and (c) chart. the pro gram of action for the state and local communities in developing the schools, Including recommend ations for legislation on ways and means of financing and effectuat ing the program. All indications point toward the need for a better junior college In this area. There are at least 49 per cent of our population that hae the mental ability to complete 14 years of schooling with a cur riculum of general and vocational subjects. Of this totaS, there is In the neighborhood of 25 per cent who are unable to complete tho two additional years of study. Asheville-Biltmore College could surely fit the need. The main ob jective of our etruffffllnff coHegv is financial support. Tb&t wo will VETERAXS ADmNISTRATION NEWS IjETTER January 24, 1949 The next few years will see an increased demand for college grad uates in the fields of medicine, psychology, kindergarten and ele mentary school teaching and cer tain phases of electricity. At the same time, competition will grow keener for positions In the fields of engineering, chemis try, pharmacy, law and personnel relations. These cocclusions were con tained in a study prepared for tha Veterans Administration by the Occupational Outlook Service, Bu reau of Labor Statistics, U. S. De partment of Labor. The study is being used by VA advisement and guidance officers as an aid In counseling disabled veterans planning to take educa tional and training courses. get If enough effort Is put forth by everyone coneemed. B,y DON MURRAY “The time has come the 'Walwru* said. To talk of many things, Of books and ships and seallnc wax. Of cabbages and kings.” But, now is the time at A-BC Before we’re middle agers, To speak of games and scores and points. Compiled by "Woody’s Gagers. And now before this poetry (?) Can change from bad to worse. I’ll change my style to good old prose. Instead of this droll verse. i For Floyd Woody’s court wise cagers the season is over and their record stands as a tribute to Coach "Woody. As the season drew on Coach Woody wore a hound- dog look, as what Coach wouldn’t with only three letter-men re turning with which to mold his team. But, as try-outs started coach Immediately perked up, and it appeared as if we might be able to put a team on tho floor after all. In the first fracas of tho sea son witli lettermen Rudeen, Brink ley and Carter starting, ably as sisted by Dub Thompson anl John Isreal^, the Bulldogs took warm-up victory over Sodaland 52-39. In the second clash, A-B dropped a 57-47 decision to th^ highly-touted S. C. frosh, the only team to hand them two defeats during the season. W.C.T.C. “B” was the Bulldogs next victim and the A-B cagers put the bite on the baby cats the tune of 56-49. A-BC conference play opened with the Spartanburg Pioneers and with A-BC clicking on all fiv* the Bulldogs won a close 51-60 dft* cislon. W. C. T. C. “B" fell again by the score of 49-46, and the Bull* dogfs joumed West to hand pow erful Tusculum, a four-year insti tution, a 52-37 pastelnff. Tho Bulldogs then took to th^ (Continued on Pacre S)