NEVJS AMD VM'B HO? THE CRIER STfiFF Page 2 • We the students of the Journalism class have in the past six months managed to furnish the college with an impressive newspaper, we think. No one outside the class knows the sacrifices that have been made in order to continue the paper's publication. Several suggestions have been made to limit the paper to one mi 11100graphed page in order to cut or minimize the overhead. Our creditors have informed us that we cannot continue publication until we change the color of our financial nituation. We appeal to the student body for suggestions for raising revenue, like anything else in the world these days it takes money to have something worthwhile. Since you are going to get the bene- r±t of any worthwhile suggestions, why not find some way to help us. Any constructive suggestions will be con sidered as a last minute crash program. H.G. -Si- -Js- -s;- ■Ji- -JS- Reborn in 19S9 as a mimeographed 'iheet selling for ten to fifteen cents, the Campus Crier has had an unsettled ftorly childhood.' I|^’pographical errors, st-minute deadlines, money owed to nvid by the paper—all these diseases i'ave attacked our "baby." Why? What '■■^kes the Crier run? The main thing that makes anything rvn is the all-important Green God- li,)ney. The old (’^9) Crier by printing '^2ap and selling high, managed to have ouough profit for an occasional blast. Then for the 19^9 Christmas issue we used the photo-lith process which added more frustrations and monetary troubles. In '60 and '61 some ridiculous rule has forced us to give away a paper we'd CO losing money on even if we sold it. Low ad sales, hard-to-collect bills, arid the expenses of printing have in creased our troubles again. Along with the money troubles comes the demon Material. What news is front page? Is this story too old to be used? I'/hat news is front page? Have wc get too much humor or not enough? What can we use to fill this spacc on page t'lrec? An A-B Crier staff member must '--e a salesman, editor, writer, and cupjrreader. These are just a few of •'-.he many, many jobs each member is er.pacted to perform efficiently. JR14 There comes a time when effort reaches its maximum point of futility. The Crier has reached that point. Our time was exhausted before lire began, our financial resources in the red from the beginning, and our patience with petty disagreements long ago taxed to its limit. Let us face the facts of our present chaotic situation. We do not have sufficient advertiaing to pay for another printing. We have not had a person with that combination of talent and time to sell us into the black. It may be that A-B will never have an amount of interest in journalism to give it adequate support. That is of the future, we don't know. But this we do know. We do not have a single typewriter, we had to select oiu' own text, we are evidently considered to be some sort of club that lives by its own wit. We are given $^0 per issue from the student activity fee. There was no provision made in the past for our budget, nor one promised for the future. That $^0 represents less than half of printing costs. Vlhcn we by some miracle were able to sell more than enough ads, many of the advertisers have not, as yet, paid their bills. We have a lot of gripes and wc are sure you do. But if we had had the incentive such as your interest could have brought, we might have found that Herculean strength to perform a "miracle." But the fact remains, the only time we have heard from you was when you disliked our efforts, never when you were pleased—maybe you never were. They say comparison is the only means for judgment. When you compare the late Campus Crier with nothing, it could be that you will sec it wasn't so terrible after all. OVP -ii- rr ^ Hr I'fhat does it take to make a newspaper? The answer to this question is one word or mainly one xford—^Money. A newspaper no matter how good can't exist without funds. We must have the kind of money that advertisers pay for ads, the kind that pays printers for printing the paper, and the kind that is described as green paper xirith George on the front. ■ji- -j;- ^ -a ■¥: ■it Hr -a %