PAGE FOUR THE RIDGERUNNER THURSDAY MARCH 17, 1966 tried everything tourbeer to you faster. lilMI We made mistakes, yes. ' ^^pachy: The road to success is paved with deep, dark manholes. But in the end, we found a way to beat The Great Destroyer, Time. You see, the idea that beer improves with age is only half right. Once it’s canned, once it's bottled, beer begins to die. Shipped from city to city, stashed away in warehouses, even a great beer like ours would lose the taste that made it great. Now it takes a Great Gimmick not to be destroyed by this Great Destroyer. Building 8 breweries around the country was just that gimmick. By brewing nearby, Carling can cut down on shipping and trucking. And sell you a fresher, livelier beer. Goodbye, manholes. Hello, success. J Gne-can-at-a-time mortar (for short deliveries). The answer: 8 breweries around the country. A big-time beer nearby. One of our ill-fated ICBM’s (Inter City Beer Missiles). FROM THE BREWERY NEXT DOOR - STANDARD BEER CO. 189 VALLEY ST.