I S^e Ridgerunner Z 7ol, 4 No, 5 Asheville-Biltmore College December 19, 1968 HOMECOMING 1969 BUSY TIME For three days and after as many months of hard work Homecoming 1969 livened up the Asheville-Biltmore' campus• Although club displays had been up for several days, the festiviteis officially started on the eve of December 5 with the presentation of the Court, the crowning of the Queen, and a concert# Miss Jill Diamond, known to many as A-B*s head Cheerleader, was crowned Homecoming Queen for 196i|, Named to the Court were Miss Vera Culbreth, Miss Terri Rozell, Miss Barbara Brookshire, and Miss Diane Green. Following the ceromonies. The Esquires, supported by The Tams, gave a swinging two hour concert. Friday’s activities began with an afternonn parade through down town Asheville, That evening the mighty Bulldogs slaughtered the Pembroke Indians on the hardwood. In spite of rather chilly weather, Coed Cappers came off as scheduled on Saturday morning, A Mud Hunt, Egg Tossing, Musical Buckets, and a Pie Eating Contest were among the many hilarious events. The Bulldogs secured another hard wood victory that evening when the literally stomped the Campbell Camels. Dr. William E. Highsmith and Dean Alice Wutschql were presented the annual Homecoming Award for outstanding servicfe to the school. H- H- H- H- H- Representing the cheerleaders. Miss Jill Diamond is this year's Queen. Above right are Miss Susie LeMieux, Home coming Queen for 1968, who was unable to attend the ceromony and Miss Linda Rheichard, 1967's Queen, who filled in for her. FOR MORE HOMECOMING ’69 PHOTOS, TURN TO PAGES 2 AND 3. ALTHOUGH THE GREAT WHITE INTRUDER TEMPERARILY VISITED A-B THE DAY BEFORE ACTIVITIES BEGAN, HOMECOMING, UNLIKE LAST YEAR, STILL WENT OFF SMOOTHLY. After receiving her crown, trophy, and rqses, Miss Diamond begins her reign by st-rolling down a conventional red carpet