Confusion Reigns In SGA As far as SGA affairs are now, the only certain statement one can make is that confusion is presiding. The situation can be compared to the nursery school game: button, button, who has the lautton? Only, UNC-A students ask gavel, gavel, who Is the SGA president? No one can answer with certainty, not Don Meyers, not the Exectuvie Council, not even the Judicial Board. The problem came up about two weeks before the end of last term when SGA president Don Meyers dropped two of the three courses he was taking and became a part time student. The SGA constitution states that all members of the Executive Council must remain full time students throughout the year. Meyers, in becoming a part time student, stood in violation of the constitution. Early this term, the Judicial Board decided that Meyers did violate the constitution and must relinquish his position to the (then) vice president. Ron Goodwin recommended to the Executive Council to appoint Meyers to an advisory position due to his Interest and efforts as president. The llghtening-quick minds of some of the Executive Council members had anticipated the Judicial Board decision and had formulated three alternate plans to get around the decision. Plan A: Meyers had two Incompletes carried over from fourth term last year and, therefore, was carrying 15 hours before he dropped the two courses, which would have left hlnri with nine hours, not three. However, this plan was blocked when the Judicial Board would not recognize It. So, Plan B was activated. Plan B: Ron Goodwin would ascend to the presidency, would appoint Don Meyers to the vacant position of vice president, then resign as president, and bingo, Meyers would move up to be president, appointing Goodwin to fill the vacant office of vice president. The only hitch to this plan was that the Executive Council has to approve all appomtments (and were willing to), but did not have enough members present to form a quorum. Thus, Plan B was temporarily scratched, and Plan C went into action. Plan C: this works from the premise that no president can be thrown out of office, he must be impeached. So, this plan would make the Judicial Board decision invalid. At the present time, the Judicial Board equally confused as everyone else) must meet again to determine whether or not their first decision was binding, or if Meyers must be Impeached to be removed from office. If the Judicial Board stands by its first decision, confusion will multiply. If they insist that Meyers Is out, then Ron Goodwin would move up to the president's position. However, recall that Goodwin resigned from his polstion. Thus, it would create a double vacancy—but maybe not. Goodwin resigned after the Judicial Board made its first decision. Theoretically, Goodwin resigned from the vice president position when he was actually the president. Well! Who knows what tomorrowwill bring. If the Judicial Board does stick by Its first decision Ron Goodwin would be the president and Plan B could be re-activated, if Goodwin were still willing to go through with it. But, as stated earlier, nothing Is certain. L.R. RIDGERUNNER VOL. 5, NO. 6 THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1969 Goodwin and Hannan Quit SGA Positions BULLETIN Judicial Board did uphold its original decision at a meeting Monday, Nov. 17, ruling that Ron Goodwin is now SGA president and recommending that former president Don Meyers be appointed to an advisory position. Amidi cries of possible SGA bankrupcy, lack of communication and cooperation and lack of SGA officers' interests in the financial aspects of governing, Vice-President Ron Goodwin and Finance Commissioner Ed Hannan resigned from their positions, on Nov. 8. The reason for their resignations is they saw that if the present rate of SGA spending goes unchecked, the SGA is in clear danger of bankruptcy during or before fourth term. Both Goodwin and Hannon warned President Meyers, the Executive Council and Commissioners of the impending crisis, but were met with indifference and no cooperation. Hannan said that the basic reason that the crisis came about was the absence of an official SGA budget at the first of the year. Meyers issued each commissioner a verbal budget, but a written budget to be approved by the Executive Council was never implemented. Hannan implied that this resulted in a lack of restraint which a written budget would have provided. He says that "each commissioner has attempted to maximize the programs for his respective commission without indicating even a hint of concern for the programs of the others." In statements to THE RIDGERUNNER concerning the financial crisis and his resignation, Hannan said "I personally castigate this student government. It is not a responsible student government. There has been little evidence of serious minded, intelligent leadership within the Executive Council. Blame this lack on a basic dearth of clearly defined objectives, and a lack of intelligent leadership.” It can be assumed that an official SGA budget would strenghten the Executive Council. No matter whether or not Hannan's evaluation of the student government is correct, it stands to reason that if the Executive Council was given the authority and power to insist upon the submission of budgets and the power and authority to approve (or disapprove) budgets—and, therefore, being DIRECTLY responsible for the distribution of $20,000-interest will be generated in the student body to insure that their representatives in the Executive Council be serious minded and intelligent._ I n an Executive Council meeting of Nov. 12, Goodwin explained the circumstances culminating in his and Hannan's resignations. The following are direct quotations. "The SGA was in financial trouble. There was no budges established. It Is like running a business without a budget. The decisions for spending were with Ed and me, and ultimately with Don. Ed and I wrote the checks, but there was no plan to the spending. We did not know how much they could spend, and they (the commissioners) did not know how much they could spend. So, it was just unrestricted spending. Whenever I asked Don about the no plan to spending, he would say 'don't worry about it, the money is there.' "Nobody seemed to care where the spending went. I know that If Meyers did not care, the Executive Council did not care. I figured that the only way to make Don look at the books was to resign. Well, It seems that I did accomplish that purpose, because Don and Ron Cappella (the newly appointed Finance Commissioner) spent all day studing the books and cutting down on certain spending." Goodwin said that those were the reasons why he quit. He also said that there were other reasons why he would never go back. He said that vice presidency was a bad job, that it entailed a lot or responsibility over which he had no control. As the job is set up with no budget, Meyers authorized the spending, and could conceivably authorize more spending than there was funds. If the president cut out at any time, it would leave the vice-president holding the bag. Goodwin said that if the job changed where Meyers did not have the final authority on the spending of the money. If the Executive Council had power or control over the spending, then the job of the vice president would be more secure. The vice president would know that the Executive Council had to approve spending and not just the president, and then if anything happened, the fault would be on 13 people instead of just one. As the job stands now, Meyers had control of the money and could abandon his position leaving the vice-president holding the big ( see QUIT, pg. 7) Out For Season? The Bulldogs' All American guard, Jim "Red" McElhaney received an injury in a recent practice session and may be out for the entire season. For the details, see page 8. Big Homecoming Set "UNC-A is having the greatest Homecoming in its history" announced Ginni Beachum, social commissioner. Less than a month away. Homecoming will span three days crammed full of activities. The Homecoming-Social commission has released a schedule of all the events. On Friday, Dec. 13, all classes will be dismissed at 11:00 a.m. for an all campus assembly featuring the "Funny Faculty Friday". This Includes skits spooifing the faculty and administration by student impersonations. At 3:30 that afternoon, there will be the Homecoming Parade In downtown Asheville. All organizations will participate in some way and there are at least seven floats entering. Any organization planning to have a car or display, see Fred LeMieux, chairman of the Parade. SGA is sponsoring a professionally decorated float for the Homecoming Queen and court. The parade will cost $175. $100 for the Queen and court's float and a prize for the winning float of $75. 8:00 Friday evening, the "UNC-A Festival of Music" will be held in the gym. This provides six professional bands for a dance and discotheque. Alpha Nu Lambda will decorate, Kappa Delta Tau will be hostesses. Sigma Delta Upsllon will police the area BSU will, clean up. The event will run $139. At noon Saturday, Co-ed Capers will take place on the soccer field. Beer will be on sale and there will be small camp fires to assist the beer in awarding off the cold. All groups (see HOMECOMING, pg.4)