THE RIDGERUNNER VOL. 5, NO. 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE FRIDAY, JANUARY 23,1970 General Education Requirements Eased photo by Dennis Howard Queen Sheijfi VlUCvll JIICIIU Sheila- Cody was crowned Homecoming Queen durmg the festivities of Homecoming. Sheila, representing the Cheerleaders is a junior from Swannanoa. Makmg up her court were Anne Riddle, Sherry Mickle and Barbara Brookshire, of the Senior Class, Sigma Lambda Chi, Circle K and the Junior Class. Meyers Legitimate/ Judicial Board Decrees Meetings of the General Faculty were held December 17 and 19 to consider the proposals submitted tliem by the Faculty Senate concerning among other things. General Education Requirements and curriculum changes. Dean Roy A. Riggs presided in the absence of Chancellor Highsmith. The first business taken up concerned insurance rates for the faculty, then the recommendation that instructor's names be listed on the class schedule whenever possible instead of "staff". A recommendation was made to allow three students to be non-voting members of the Senate Committee on Student Affairs, but a point of order was called and the recommendation was referred to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. Changes in the procedure of supervisors to evaluate their faculty were involved in the next recommendation. The next recommendation involved the numbering of courses. The new course system UUuKs-co/-* Ann courses, 100-199, Basic, 200-299, Intermediate, and 300 to 400, Advanced. The Recommendation passed. Then the matter of a change of grading systems was presented. After an hour and a half of bandying words and new systems, old systems and such, a three-slot system was adopted with the letter designations of E. S. and U (Excellent, Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory.) However, a proposal of giving not only an overall grade but grades in three other areas to aid the student was droDoed. The last business taken up on Wednesday, December 17, was the proposal to keep the foreign language requirement intact in the G.E.C. The motion carried after another battle and the meeting adjourned. The meeting reconvened on Friday, December 19. Dean Riggs informed the meeting that the release of the new grading system to the news media was a mistake. The matter of grading was taken up again, and in true faculty manner, after another twenty minutes of squabbling, the old system of H,G,P and F was adopted. Following is a list of the General Education Curriculum changes adopted at the meeting on Friday, December 19: a. Humanities V changed to an elective and reduced to 3 hours credit. b. Bibliography retained as a requirement. c. Mathematics dropped as a samiie3’‘*«5^ - hours in any discipline, (corresponding to changes in the Biology lab courses.) e. All Social Science courses required dropped. f. Recommendation that Humanities course be reviewed, name changed ( to give the impression that the course does not just belong to any one department) and the course revised by a committee to be appointed by the administration. g. Language OOA retained. h. Language 13A - a student be allowed to take a profieciency test as an option, a course in formal writing be adopted as an option to 13A, and that the course (13A) be modified to include a substantial amount of expository writing.) i. Physical Education retained as a requirement, but varsity athletes and veterans allowed to take skill course instead. A recommendation requiring 30 semester hours to be earned in courses on the 300-400 level, and a recommendation requiring that no more tharf 36 hours be required beyond the introductory level in the major field and no more than 24 hours in correlate areas. Two courses in Black history were entered into the curriculum as well as a creative writing course. Changes were made in the curricula of the Physical Education, Mathematics, Psychology, Education and Chemistry Departments. The meeting adjourned after his ear. rn iocl, astounding aspect of the meetings was the petty squablles arising out of points of order and the like. The faculty of this institution makes the students look organized, and you have to be a student to know how hilarious that is. The Judicial Board has ended the eight week controversy over the legitimacy of Don Meyers as president of the Student Government Association. The Board found in Meyers favor which allows him to remain in the position of president. x ♦ In the last two weeks oT first term, Meyers withdrew from two courses which made him a part-time student according to the registrar. In the eight-odd weeks following, Meyers has presfded over the student body pending a decision of the Judicial Board. The first Judicial Board decision found Meyers in violation of the constitution and removed him from office. When this decision was presented to the Executive Council, Meyers brought to their attention that the Board members must be approved. Since they had never been approved, the decision was ignored. Another Judicial Board was established and approv^ and the issue of Meyers’ legitimacy was referred to it. The decision found that Meyers did meet the requirements set forth by the constitution. This was based on the fact that a withdrawl-pass (WP) did constitute a grade in the same respect that a double 0-A course is a grade. Therefore, although Meyers received a WP in two courses last term, the WP constitutes a passing grade and fulfills the requirements of the constitution. The 'Board reasons that Meyers did not receive credit for either course, but he did receive a passing grade. The Board interpreted the constitution m the sense of grades and not credit hours. The vote on the decision was five to zero. Voting were Bob Bell (chairman), Ron Cappella, Anne Wutschell, Iris Bartlett and Jeff Adams. Jim Cole and Lee Shuster were absent and did not .vote. Ham I Doing? r thp Hark horse (sow) candidate for Homecoming Queen title, Sally c • M ITiPft Hoht) S Warden, Barbara Brookshire and Jan Sterzer. Running Smithfield, are (left to right) La y disqualified because her supporters on the slogan, Brmg the ^ attracted glances of admiration from several dor.

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