Page 2 EditorialFage Out off Our Mailbox: Was Thomas Jefferson at Kent State? " .. .That to secure these Rights, Governments are Instituted among Men deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such Form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." P.M. As president of the UNC-A Young Republicans, I am answereing the welcomed letter in the student paper. First, to answer the question of where we stand on Kirk, the governor of Florida, I cannot and would not support him in his actions or his quest for elective office, for Kirk is an opportunist riding the dead horse of segregation and racism. The 1954 school desegregation decision must be carried out. I hope Kirk looses in the Repbulican primary, for the Republican Party is the party of Lincoln, not Jim Crow .. Kirk would probably be much better off in the Democratic Patty with Wallace and Maddox. The Young Republicans of UNC-A support civil rights, as evidenced by the club's efforts to attain signatures on a petition calling for the election of a Congressman from the District of Columbia, knowing that a Democrat will probably be elected. In the past I have refrained from supporting Republicans whom I consider racists of John Birchers. As for Nixon's Supreme Court nomination, I supported the nomination of Haynsworth, as I feel that a. balanced Court is needed. Let it be remembered that Haynsworth has desegregated more than one Southern public school district. I do not support the Senate bid of Carswell! As for debate, I have approached the leadership of the Young Democrats on this subject more than once. A positive has not been forthcoming. I welcome debate, as it might throw some light on where the Young Democrats stand on the issues. As for other issues; the Young Republicans are against overextension of military forces abroad —against the militarization of American life— for an extended hunger program— for agriculture reform— against economic and political centralization— and for the right to publish This last factor concerns the right of a Supreme Court Justice to speak, travel, or write. Ford's case against Justice Douglas should be based on conflict-of-interest, not Douglas' constitutional right of free speech. Lance Edward Cook President of Young Republican Club Editor - Stationing the Lord of Misrule in Asheville may well have been of the the Illuminati's brighter moves. Though unknown until recently in Illuminati circles, the Lord of Misrule has emerged ad a formidable opponent, despite his deceptive appearance. Physically, the Lord of Misrule is slim— slim all over. His stomach is slim, his arms are slim. His neck has been called downright scrawny. A slim wisp of hair falls acrossi his forehead. A fanatical sneer is etched upon his lips, but this has sometime been mistaken for a good-natured grin. Since he imagines himself an aristocrat, the lord always wears tux and tails. Unfortunately, his suits come cut-rate from a nationalized tailor in Peking, and the tails always arrive several yards too long. Due to a wierd psychological trait (he wants to be a mother?), he drags a friend or two along on his coattails whenever possible. Pity is, despite all this Charisma (?) the lord of Misrule has one vital flaw. He The Elections Farce A lot of exciting and important things have happened in the SGA Executive Council this year. Officers resigned; officers had to drop out; the Council was faced with a decision to over-rule the Judicial Board or remove former SGA president Don Meyers from office; there was a hulabaloo over the allocation of student funds which led to the Council having the final word on where the student's money goes. What it all adds up to is that for the first time in anyone's memory, the Council has been placed in a position of authority and responsibility—has had to make decisions and stop being a panel of yes-men to the president. Consequently, the Council has realized that it has tremendous power and control. As it now has control over the budget, it will essentially run all student government from the commissioners to the. SGA president. Thus, with all this always existing power and new-found authority, one would have expected more than a little competition in the class officers elections. Wot so. Six candidates ran unopposed; the only offices offering more than one candidate were the presidential ones. This is incredable, especially when one realizes that there is absolutely no difference between the three offices of each class—there is no division of power. All have a vote in the executive Council, and this is what constitutes authority. Essentially, there is no distinction between a class president and a class secretary: the business of presiding or taking notes have never really existed for class officers at any rate. Why there was competition for the offices of president and not for the other position is, in this light, a mystery. Besides, we are now in the position of having six members of the potentially most powerful student group on campus indiscriminately placed in office. Why did this happen? We know that there are students concerned with altering the student's position on campus. Why, then, did not, these students make an effort to assume a voice In the control? Even we know that the most efficient method of reforming is from the inside. Plenty of us shook our fists and bemoaned many of the actions of this year's SGA. But here was an opportunity to correct all the defects. So what happened? The usual — nothing. LR. himself has no brain, having been born during a deficiency of such luxuries. Instead, an out-of-date Illuminati computer, purchased second-hand form IBM, is taped to his skull. Because of this, he has never had an original thought, but instead continually regurgitates what his Illuminati masters have programed onto him. My first meeting with him was on the occasion of his assumption of illuminati power in this area. I leapt in thru a wall, peppering the Illuminati guards surrounding him with karate chops. On this occasion, he ahd only one friend sitting on his coattails. "Well, Misrule," I demanded, "what do you have in store for us?" "You know. Dirty old Man," he replied, "you're like Og, king of Basham, who, never knowing just when to stop, stops too soon, and thus falls short of greatness." "you may be right," I replied, "but who first said that? I know you didn't do it on your own." The Lord of Misrule blushed. His computer brain blushed. Even his friend, sitting on his coat-tails, blushed. "You know, you mean old man," he spluttered. "No one was supposed to knovy!" "Of course," I Smfled. "I know everything!" — Regards, The Dirty Old Man Dear Editor Just a brief word in reference to the article by the twenty-year-o Id student dealing with the causes of student unrest. He reminds me of the grandfather in the story of a grandfather taking a nap, and his grandchildren wanted to play a trick on him. They put some limberger cheese on his mustache. He awoke and said, "This room stinks." He walked in to the other rooms and said, "All the rooms stink." He walked outside and said, "the whole world stinks." It is quite apparent that this studnet's problem is with himself. He is not going to change the world until his attitude changes. The unrest is in his heart. He doesn.t like or respect himself; how can he like and respect others. Or, in the words of Henry Thoreau, "As long as a man stands in his way, everything seem to be in his way.'. To this student I would say. Why don't you get out of your way? Wash the limburger cheese off and give God a chance to change you. Then you can respect yourself and others. Only then can you help make this a better world and help with the problem of Student Unrest. Sincerely, Billy H. Cline