Monday, November 30, 1970 Page 2 Editorial Comment: Analysis On page S of this issue of the RIDGERUNNER is a reprint of an article that was run in the Daily Tar Heel of UNC-Chapel Hill a few weeks ago in which UNC-A SGA President Bill Coonan cites apathy and “in loco parentis” as the two major problems facing the students of UNC-A. Although there are several factual errors in the article (specifically, women’s hours, etc.) the points that Coonan made were excellent. In fact, we’re sorry the DTH got the scoop. Coonan’s analysis of the situation here at UNC-A is to the point and a propos. Note the recent suspension of during-the-week visitation for the women’s dorms. The administration here at UNC-A makes grand talk about its young adults and what does it do but treat them like children. Sure, there’s nothing quite as childish as a panty raid and the thefts that have taken place are quite serious and need to be dealt with. When the hours for visitation were set it required voting in the dorms but when Big Daddy Administration wants to take away something, it is unilateral. Yes, Coonan made his point well. When dorm students arent’t allowed to adjucate their own problems, how can they be called adults? Big talk — small deeds. Mr. Editor: With regards to your editorial in the last issue of the RIDGERUNNER I think that all of us can appreciate your concern for desiring to see that both political viewpoints are represented. I’m referring specifically to the political viewpoints held by the Young Democrats and Young Republicans of UNC-A; but I think it unfair to insinuate that the University Administration, i.e., Dr. Hi^smith is taking sides, so to speak, by attempting to repress the Young Democrats in favor of the Young Republicans. The President of the Young Democrats and myself had agreed to have Mr. Taylor and Mr. Atkinson along with the Buncombe County sheriff candidates come on campus and discuss the issues. This was sanctioned by Chancellor Highsmith because both political view-points would be presented equally and fairly to the college community, but as it turned out, Mr. Atkinson informed us at the last moment that he would not be able to attend the debate, therefore making it impossible to hold this previously planned political discussion, because both sides would not be presented, and as Dr. Highsmith explained in a circulated memorandum, the University as an educational institution, cannot and must not take sides. I think this is only right. Secondly, I would like to answer your subtle and indirect charge that the Young Republican have failed to do anything effective so far this year. Due to the recent off-year elections, the members of our organization felt it more important to work for the Republican party of the 11th district rather than concentrate our activities entirely on this campus. We felt it more important to help conduct canvasses, manning telephones for the party’s headquarters and passing out literature, and since school began first term up to and during election night, we had almost the entire membership of our organization working during their free time to help conduct these canvasses plus other grass-roots work helpful in running a political campaign. This, then, was what we were doing, and this is the reason you failed to hear from us. Dan Kienker, President Young Republicans of UNC-A Deficit Spending and the Present SGA (or the Don Meyers Saga Revisited) by Ron Capella On November 18, the Student Senate held its weekly meeting. Added to the roster of members were the newly elected freshman class officers and a representative of the Interdormitory Council. Of primary interest was the presentation of the SGA budget for second term. Mr. Coonan’s budget calls for an income of $4700.00 and an expenditure of $6598.00. The deficit will be made up by using part, if not all, of the surplus that was accumulated during third and fourth terms last year under the administration of Mike Dumer. The federal government has been managing to get away with deficit spending for quite a few years. It seems that the SGA is going to capitalize on the possibilities of this theory of economics. It’s rather interesting that an attempt at deficit spending was tried about this time last year. However, that attempt was the catalyst of a series of events that led to the resignations of the Finance Commissioner, the Vice-President, and the near impeachment of the President of the SGA. But then Mr. Coonan is an economics major and should know how to pull this sort of thing off. Also pertaining to finances, a financial procedures reform bill was introduced to the Student Senate. One article of the bill will make about 80% of the student body ineligible for the SGA scholarships awarded at the end of each academic year. The bill also involves some of the mechanics of the operation of the Finance Commission. The Finance Commissioner, Mr. Ed Rosenberg, stated that the bill would be cumbersome and difficult to use, and that he had not seen the bill before it was introduced to the Senate. Apparently Mr. Steve Fricke, (Junior Class President,) the author of the bill, had not bothered to consult Mr. Rosenberg on the operation of the Finance Commission before writing the bill. Mr. Coonan brought up the possibility of forming a Student Affairs Forum. This forum would be composed of one or two majors from each department on campus to advise the department heads on the curriculum The purpose of the forum is to make up for students not being allowed on the Academic Policies Committee of the Faculty Senate. If you have been thinking about buying an FM radio so you can hear WUNF FM when it comes about, you might wait awhile. Although the Radio Station was given authorization to build the FM station in the recent referendum, Station Manager Ray .Holden is having problems. It seems that the SGA is unwilling to give him the room necessary for expansion to FM. SGA Budget for Second Term, 1970-71 First Term Income Reserves 5101.00 1500.00 Second Term Income Reserves 4700.00 % of the budget I increase or decrease over Term Expenses 4963.00 Expenses 6598.00 1. Social Commission 2000.00 2748.00 42% 37% Coffee House 1200.00 1500.00 22% 25% Special Programs 716.50 750.00 11% 4.7% Radio Committee 494.80 450.00 7% -9% Office Expenses 331.70 500.00 8% 51% Miscellaneous 000.00 300.00 5% * Alumni Association 000.00 200.00 3% Presidential Expense 60.00 100.00 1.5% 67% Athletic Commission 60.00 50.00 1.5% -17% Cheerleaders 100.00 0.00 *Part of a $400.00 allotment. Balance to be spent third and fourth terms. Will be used by the Alumni Association for operating expenses. May be repaid next year. Where are you, academic community? We’re feeling more and more alone. No letters, no criticisms, no poison pen notes, no adulation, no feedback, no outright attacks, no constructive suggestions, in short, no nothing. Come on. Surely you can find something to be vocal about. Try a little harder. Faculty, students and staff of UNC-A, we’re here to serve you. Where are you? The RIDGERUNNER — office in the Lipinsky Student Center. Ext. No. 72 RIDGERUNNER meeting Tuesday, Nov. 31, at 6:30 p.m. If you’ve got a gripe — come on! the ridgerunner vol.6 no.5 monday, nov. 30. c ApeL-t,A « SriTd-A CATIE ROACH BurtH ocHiEA/Re»Tt=»^ _ t>E£