UMtV£RUiy OF KlOKTH ^kAOtlAfA ATJVMEV^ Wfe&.jPEC.1fe,l970 Film. Society Organizing; Seeks Members and Suggestions The UNC-A Film Society met December 3 to discuss its method of financing and scheduling of films. Professor Goetz Wolff and Arnold Wengrow were the first to push for such an organization at UNC-A. Their express aim is to make available to the students, faculty and staff of UNC-A, as well as the WNC community those films which explore and experiment with that media of communication. The films to be shown by the film society are more than mere pictures and are not likely to be shown at any of the local theatres, according to Wolff and Wengrow. The films are experimental and provocative. The first problem encountered by the society is the financing of the films. The range of rental rates for the films extends from $20, to over $250. If the society receives the necessary backing from the "The Stronger" First Offering of Forum Series Theatre UNC Asheville will present the first production in its new Forum Theatre series on Wednesday, December 16 at 3:30 p.m. in Lipinsky Auditorium. The play is August Strindberg’s one-act “The Stronger,” directed by Melinda Pearlman. Featured in the cast are Marlene Smith and Pat Martin. “The Stronger” concerns two women, a wife and a mistress, and the man they both share. When the women meet by chance in a cafe on Christmas eve, a tense and unusual confrontation takes place. Mrs, Pearlman, the director, describes the play as “a tale of silent strength and voluble silence, tale of grownups all torn down.” Admission to Forum Theatre is free. Coffee will be served at 3:00 in the auditorium, with the play beginning at 3:30 p.m. The audience will sit on the stage itself, and a discussion with the director and cast will be held immediately following the performance. Other plays in the Forum Theatre series are James Prideaux’s “Lemonade,” directed by Vince Carmen on Jan. 11; George Bernard Shaw’s “How He Lied to Her Husband,” directed by Pat Martin on Jan. 13; and Archibald MacLeish’s “This Music Crept By Me Upon the Waters,” directed by David Anders on Jan. 18. students, faculty and staff, UNC-A could concievably see four or five films sponsored by the film society third and fourth term. Under the present plan, Professor Wolff hopes to raise a minimum of $500. The plan calls for the receipt of funds in three ways Faculty will be asked to purchase season tickets at the rate of $5 for one and $7.50 for two. Students will be asked to purchase season tickets at the rate of $3 per ticket. The Divisions will be asked to •contribute $75 of their respective division budgets, in addition, there will be a gate fee of $.75 per student and $1.25 for faculty who have not purchased season tickets. At present, Wolff and Wengrow plan to reserve five films. Wolff notes, however, that it is very difficult to reserve the films since they are in such high demand at other liberal arts schools. If the society fails to raise the amount of money called for, the plans would be scuttled and everyone would receive a refund of their contribution. If the society does receive the funds, in March a mimeographed list of films would be sent around to all subscribers and the members would select what films they would like to see. There is a whole world of cinema that the UNC-A audiences have yet to see presented regularly in this type of program. The works of Bergman, Jean Cocteau, Antinioni, Fellini, Godard and many others have largely failed to mak6 it to UNC-A. The film society would attempt to right (see Film Society, page 3) Ski Western N.C. ... Some of the finest skiing in the Carolinas just miles from UNC-A. ... Super Session, new UNC-A Ski Control, for the lowdown, see page 8. Blood Drive: January 12 Again this year. Circle K will sponsor a Blood Drive in cooperation with the American Red Cross. The Blood Drive will take place on January 12 from 9 until 3 in the Student Center. Blood will be badly needed by the Red Cross at that tim? due to the holiday accident rates but blood is always needed, and if you’ve ever given blood before, you know what a simple procedure it is. The whole process only takes minutes and Is virtually painless. The Red Cross never sells the blood you donate. And while everyone is scared before their first donation, medical complications are very rare. There is always a,need for all types of blood and it must be supplied by donors like yourself. You may donate blood with parental consent at 18 and 21 otherwise. Less than a pint of blood is taken in the process and there is usually no weakness. Last year, the Circle K-sponsored project saw a good turn-out and the organization is hoping for an even better supported event this year. For information, contact Tom Barrett, Bill Coonan or any member of Circle K. Remember that’s Jan. 12 from 9-3. I 1 Bass guitarist and singer for Peace , Core, the hard rock group which headlined the concert Saturday night of Homecoming wraps up a song. The concert also featured Kin, the folk group featured by the Apocalypse all that week. By all indicators. Homecoming was better attended than past years and the debt incurred by the SGA which exceeded $3,000 was softened a bit by the revenue obtained from the concert. Food Drive Begun at UNC-A A coalition of most of the social and all of the service organizations of UNC-A has pledged a food drive in the Asheville community for the needy this Christmas. The present chairman and initiator of the drive is Joe Fogarty, a freshman. Fogarty stated that the aim of the drive is “to collect as much food as possible for distribution to needy families for Christmas. According to Fogarty, the participating organizations will be Sigma Delta Upsilon, Alpha Chi Omega, Alphna Nu Lambda, and Kappa Delta Tau for the social groups: Alpha Phi Omega, Circle K and K-ettes representing the service groups. Fogarty went on to say that the basement of 1 Dorm will be the collection point for his envisioned city-wide drive. There had been a meeting Thursday, December 3 to finalize plans for the drive and Fogarty envisiones a plan that would divide the entire city into sectors and then each organizations would be given a sector to work in, Fogarty said that he hoped that the organization^ would conduct a door-to-door campaign. The food will be given to the Salvation Army the day before UNC-A breaks for Christmas, December 21. According to Fogarty, the Salvation Army has lists of families who are in most need of assistance. This drive, however, is open to participation on the parts of all students. Fogarty stated that more manpower than the organizations is needed to accomplish the task. He said that “we’ll need as many students as possible whether they are members of organizations or not. The drive began Dec. 6 and is planned to close Dec. 21. By the time this paper is available, there will be only a week more of the drive to get in on. Anyone interested should contact Joe Fogarty.