l^itigerunner Voice of the Students Vol. 9 No. 8 The University of North Carolina at Asheville October 12, 1973 Federal Funding for Ramsey Library Cut mn^rrdrty Camnus maintenance ennineer and soccer coach San Millar, is shov/n at the v/heel of his famous industrial cart, better knov/n now da vs as "^’il- lar's Follv.” (Staff Photo by Jane Nicholson) Millar’s Folly Whal Will It Do For UNC-A? One of the great debates occuring on campus is whether or not Millar's Folly v;ill do for UNC-A what Seward's Folly did for the United States. In the late 1800's, then Secretary of State William Henry Seward, purchased the undeveloped Alaskan territory from Russia, At the time of the purchase Seward was ridiculed and laughed at by the American public. Alaska soon became known as "be- ward's Folly." Since then Alaska has been accepted in to the union as the 49th state, and the rest is history. Now in 1973, ano ther folly surfaces- Millar's Folly. Mil lar's Folly is an e- lectrically operated industrial Y:art, re sembling a golf cart, and is named after Turn to paoe five Trustees Select Committees Members of the UNC-A Board of Trustees re ceived standing as signments to Trustee committees at an all day orientation meet ing held last Thurs day. At the meeting. Chairman George H. Blanton outlined com mittee responsibili ties and appointments. Named to the execu tive committee were Blanton as chairman; Dr. Francis A. Buch anan, vice chairman; and Bernard R. Smith, secretary. The committee on finance and real pro perty is to work with William Pott, vice- chancellor for fin ance, in fiscal and plant responsibili ties. Named to this com mittee were trustees Garza Baldwin, Bruce A. Elmore, Mrs. Char les D. Owen Jr., and Dr. Francis A. Buch- Turn to oaqe four ‘‘There Will Be Fewer Old and New Books^^ AINSLEY WHITMAN UNC-A LIBRARIAN By KAREN KLUTZ Staff Writer Whitman summed up his feeling by saying, - , , "I'm so discouraged Due to a lack of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ over the whole situa- federal funds to pur- I don't be- chase new books and lieve even writing to to replace old ones, congressman would there will be fewer j^'s very sad, books at Ramsey Li- ^he whole situation brary this year. ^ cause." For the fiscal 1973- 1974 year, Reumsey Li- brary will receive ClueS FOUnd only $5,000 in feder- . al funds, compared IH v./lSOri to the $7,500 the li- MUfCler CdS0 brary usually re ceives . The reason for the walking along cutback in federal Broadway be- fundinq was caused by tween Woodfin and President Nixon's Asheville on Sunday failure to request ^prii 15, the day money from Congress to unc-A coed Miss Vir- ■buy books for public ginia Marie Olson was schools, college li- brutally murdered and braries and public raped on a hill across libraries, according from the University to UNC-A librarian, Botanical Gardens, Ainsley Whitman. ^aid he saw Miss 01- There seems to be goj^ get into a car no way out of this and drive away with situation, Whitman two young men. said. It is thought That was the story there will be zero an unidentified man funds available for told Asheville Citi- libraries in fiscal zen-Times columnist ^^74," Bob Terrell last week. The only possible solution to the pro- Turn to pane four blem would have to come from Congress, « but there is always the chance that the III U President would veto the action, Whitman PS/' 3 said. j "This means there Editorials 2 will be fewer current books, fewer copies «lassifieds 6 of the books we now have, and little pro- Kent State 6 gress will be made in starting a library NC-A-Oxford 4 loan program with o- ther schools, since ^snate Report 3 they are in much the same situation," ^ norts 5 Whitman said. World Mews 6