IVoice of the Students itJI Vol. T' The University of ’Jorth Carolina at Asheville October 19, 1973 s '* ^ ' Milldr\ holly TIT, RIDGERITTTNER VJOULD LIKE TO EXTEND OFFICIAL APOLOC.TES TO ALL ITS READERS FOR THE RLACK P.LOB OF INK THAT APPEARED IN THIS SPACE LAST VTT’EK. DTTE TO PRODUCTION PROBLEM.S THE PICTURE OF SAM MILLAR AND HIS INDUSTRIAL CART WAS UNINTEL LIGIBLE. (Staff Photo bv Jane Nicholson) Super Weekend Begins Wed. Bv tujchaiiam staff '•■'riter One of the l:»iqqest social events to hit the r;:iC-A campus in ■^anv a vear berrins this ^-’orinesclay. The event is "Suner Feek- enrl. ” The fim all berrins Tednesday with a dou ble feature movie, '^he first movie v;ill be "Yellow Suy->marine, " starrinq the Beatles as cartoon cnaracters. '■'ho second feature will be "Wild Straw berries . ’■ On Thursday enter tainer Rav Sisk v;ill appear at the Coffee house. Free beer will be served. Friday the 'K-ettes v;ill snonsor a "50's" dance. Those attend- ina are asked to dress in the style of the 1950's. A live band playina the hits of yesterday and free beer will hiqhliqht the eveninq. Saturday is field day. Plans include a swinminq contest, a beer drinkinq contest, tennis matches, bi- Highsmith Outlines Plans For New Campus Forum cvcle races, soccer Find =:oeed}")all exhiV^i- tions, crauK evenut>, and pinq pong matches. Prizes will be a- warded and free beer v?ill be served. Sat urday niqht, the Black Student Associ ation will host an SGA sponsored dance with the Inner Souls pro- vidinq the music. Questions on Liquor-by-the-Drink Ten I'Te stern North Carolina counties have a direct interest in the Nov. 6 mixed drink referendum. These are the coun- ties-Buncombe, Burke, Cherokee, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Madison, Polk, Tran sylvania and VJatauga- that have ABC stores. The followinq is a series of questions and answers on mixed drinks and under what conditions they miaht be served, if the Nov. 6 referendum passes. O. Will passaqe mean open bars? A. No. Only coun ties with an ABC store will be able to autho rize mixed drink sales on a local option basis in certain res taurants, hotels, mo tels and social, re creational anci patrio tic membership clubs meetinq state law criteria. A restaur ant's primary income will have to come from food. O. If the referen dum passes, how will a county become au thorized to have mixed beveragesr Continued on P-4 By PAUL KOZA Staff Writer At a joint student and faculty senate meetinq held Oct. 9, Chancellor William E. Hiqhsmith revealed plans for a new cam pus forum. Hiqhsmith said UNC-A needed an instrument with which we can have more effective means of communica tion. The campus for um would fill this need by creating an Jobs Plentiful For Students Needing Work The following on- campus positions are available provided the necessary appli cations are filed with the Financial Aid Office and the applicant determined to be qualified: Maintenance Diepart- ment - ground work; one position. Library - book sort ing, filing and label- inq; one position. oocxax Science - clerical work; two positions. Learning Resources Center - clerical and audio visual experi ence; one position. Cafeteria - servers and dishwashers; two positions. All of the above positions pay ^>2 per hour and allow 15 hours of work per week. Work schedules will be arranged a- round class schedules. Persons presently on a federal loan may accept one of these positions in lieu of the loan. For turther aetaiib contact Jim Almon in the Financial Aid Of fice. outlet for discussion by every person on campus. The forum would have the riqht to make recommendations only. It would study an issue and make re commendations . The forum would also have ad hoc committees and open meetings. Highsmith proposed that membership on the committee consist of the SGA President, the editor of the Ridgerunner, and two students named by the SGA senate; four fa culty members consis ting of the chairman of the faculty senate (Dr. Gerald Gullick- son), the president of the campus chapter of AAVP (Dr. Shirley Browninq), and two professors named bv the faculty senate; four staff persons; four administrators, consisting of the Chancellor, the Vice- Chancellor for Aca demic Affairs, the Vice-Chancellor for Finance, and the Dean of Students. The respective sen ates will approve, defeat, or ammend the chancellor's pro posals. Index BSA 2 Campus Forum 3 Editorials 2 Sports 4 James Still 3 T. C. & A 5 Watergate 6