the RiDeeiaiDD6R. 'ASCENT of MAN^ course to be otfere Leslie Deane In conjunction with the University of \’ North Carolina Telev vision, UMCA will pre sent "The Ascent Of Man” startina January 7,1974, at 8:30 p.m. An interdiscipli nary course for uni versity credit,"The Ascent of Man" will consist of 13 broad cast secrments based on the BBC-TV series on the cultural evo lution of man. Dr. Jacob Bronow- ski, historian and philosopher, a Fel low of the Royal So ciety of Literature, and author of the series, will narrate the programs. The common bonds be tween science and the humanities, and their resultinq influence n^)on both society and future cultures will be presented by Bro- nowski. In addition to the televised lectures, participants in "The Ascent of Man" will attend two conveni ently scheduled two- hour discussion ses sions at tIfJCA. One to three semester hours credit may be earned, continaent upon the program elected bv FACULTY AWARDS the student. Students unable to receive channel 33 can viev; the course on a television set in the library which will be provided by Learnina Resources. Coordinator of the course at TJNCA is Dr. Robert S. Trul- linqer,Jr., of the Department of His tory . "This will be an interestina and fair ly convenient way for students to pick up three hours credit," he explained. Lecturers in the course will include Dr.Jim Vinson, Dr. Arnold Saan, and Dr. Richard Reed. The text for the course, also entitled "The Ascent of Man," is actually a transcrint of the series. Those student able to watch the procrram each v;eek may find the text to be unnecessary. The study guide is essen tial, hov;ever. For further infor mation on "The Ascent of Man" write or tele- nhone Dr. Trullinger care of the History Department at UNCA. 1974-75 yearbooks on sale This year the new policy set down by the Summit staff involves additional expenditure by the students for the publication. How ever, the book costs no more than last years's annual,$10.00. The reason for the $5.00 charge to stu dents is two-fold. In the past, diffi culties have evolved from under or over ordering annuals. Either students were turned away empty- handed, or the sur plus lay stacked and mildev;ed in the Sum mit office. . Students have al ready paid only half of the fee for the annual instead of the full amount as in year's past. To re ceive a copy, a stu dent must place an order with a Summit staff member, with the other $5.00. In this way, the staff will know exactly how many to order, and no student who is en titled to the publi cation will be turned away. But since the students have already paid for half of the annual out of their activities fee, they should take advantage of this and order their annual now. Dr. John G. Stevens, associate professor of chemistry at UNCA has received a grant from the National Bureau of Standards for $10,400. This arant is to facili tate nublication of the 1974 edition of the Mossbauer Effect Data Index, an inter nationally circulated journal. An additional grant of $5,000 av;arded by the board of directors of Research Corpora-? tion of New York City, was also received by UT'ICA for the support of Dr. Stevens’ re search. The proposed research is estimated to take about a year to com plete , and should con tribute in two areas. The first is the advancement in Moss bauer instrumentation by attemptincr to con struct a resonance detector for use in antimony Mossbauer spectroscopy. "Such a detector should imnrove the signal and allow ex periments not pre- viouslv possible,* stated Dr. Stevens. The,second contri bution should be a better understandina of "the bondina and structure of antimony compounds. Dr. Stevens joined the faculty in 1960 after earning his BS and Doctor of Philo- sonhy derrrees at NC State. ******** Associate Professor of Political Science Drv Barham Farzaneaan vras av;arded a North Carolina Educational Computina Service errant for the develop ment of a computer- based simulation in international rela-c . tions. For the past three years, Dr. Farzanegan has been the coordi nator of TJNCA simula tion programs for the Asheville-Buncombe high school area. ******** Assistant Drofessor of art, S. Tucker Cooke received a purchase prize from the N.C. Council of the Arts at the Realism, in North Carolina Fxhibition held in Charlotte's Mint Museum of Art;' The av;ard-v;inning niece v;as entitled: "The Safari Lady's Party at the Primavera Ball." /a - /3 - 7f Christmas 1974 outing club* Veterans’ Benefits Increased On December 4,1974 Congress approved H.R. 12628, "Viet nam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assis tance Act fo 1974." This action over rode an earlier veto bv ^resident i='ord, and naved the way for veterans currently attendina school to beain receiving ' these benefits soon. At the same time, it • offers the onnortunitv for veterans not cur rently receivinr bene fits the means to at tend school and main tain a household. These benefits are as follov;s: 1) 23% increase in reoular education benefits; 18% increase for vocational reha bilitation. 2) Student ioans in the sum of $600.00 durina the academic year effective 1/1/74 3) Authorized Voca tional Rehabilitation for 10% disabilitv or more. 4) Allov/s an addi tional 9 months of schooling for an un dergraduate dearee. (Increased from 36 months to 45 months.) ^or further infor mation, contact the Office of Veterans' Affairs, dovmstairs in Lipinsky. UNCA's Outina Club, The Middle Earth So ciety, has announced a schedule for its meetings. On the first and third Tuesdays of every month at 5:00 pm, the outing club will meet in the Ridge- runner Office in the Lipinsky Student Center. Upcoming projects will be planned at this time, as well as special programs and projects. A wide variety of activites such as canoeing, caving, and camping are now un der consideration and anyone interested in the great outdoors owes it to himself to check into this easi- Iv available oppor tunity. New members are v/elcome, and no ex perience is neces- sarv. Contact Robert Fudge for further information. TABLE FOR INCREASE WAS NOW Slrigle Veteran t220.00 ^|270.00 Married Veteran |26l.00 1312.00 with one child ^298,00 $366.00 Each additional de pendent t22.00

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