Page 8 THE RIDGERUNNER September 25, 1975 Student Government Senate Candidates Present Platforms student Government elections wi M be held September 26, from 10 AM to 3 PM. Commuter students will vote in front of Lipin- sky Student Center and dorm students will vote in Vance Hall. There are six stu dent Senate seats and a constitutional amend ment to be voted on. Students will select three Freshman Sena tors, ^wo Commuter Senato'rs, and one Sen ior Senator. The con stitutional amendment, approved by last year's Student Senate, drops the word "annual" where it refers to the budgeting process. The Ridqerunner of fered free space to all candidates to pre sent "platforms, polit ical promises, and statements of intent." As of Tuesday, the deadline for the paper, only four candidates had responded. Their statements are printed below for public in spection and consider ation. SENIOR SENATOR In the first place I want to thank you. UNC-A Improving Handicapped Facilities BY ALLISON PHILIPS Much is being done at UNCA to aid the handicapped in attend ing classes. Accord ing to Chancellor Wil liam Highsmith, "The goal is to make every floor accessable to those in wheelchairs." Although there is still a lot to be done, some of the pre sent improvements in clude gradual inclin ing ramps, remodeled restrooms, 1 owerea water fountains, an elevator in the li brary, reserved park ing- places, and a special P.E. course for those with limit ed physical abilities. The project goes back to 1954 when UNC- A was selected by the state to be one of three barrier-free campuses in North Ca rolina. The other two being East Caroli na and UNC Chapel ■' Hill. It was not un til 1973 that $175,000 was received for the construction of neces sary changes. The student center consumed the majority of this money because of the difficulty in making changes and the library, being the least expensive, only needed an elevator. The $175,000 only started the project and a request for an additional $200,000 was turned down. It may be two years be fore the money is re ceived and it is doubt ful that even it will be enough. The great est conflict will come from the gym which is so large and complex that it will be diffi cult to make all parts accessible to the hand icapped, also elevators will have to be added to all buildings ex cept the library and student center. Chan cellor Highsmith states, "That it will take several years to complete all work, all the money will not come at one time, but will have to be done in phrases." George Swift, a senior social science major, says that being handicapped did not influence his decision to come to UNC-A. He states that, "They are not living up to what they should be and that more should be done." George does not entirely blame UNC- A but notes that it is a law that all places must be made accessible to those with handicapps. The state should carry the project through. Also George mention ed that the path a- round the social sci ence building leads directly into the steps and also some of the paths lead to an eight inch drop be tween the end of the path and the road. George hopes that all inconveniences will be corrected so that all people with any disabilities wil1 be able to attend. He says that the students are very friendly about helping him and appre ciates the professors moving classes to the first floors. When asked if he would re commend UNC-A to any other handicapped per son, he replied, "No, not at the present time." kind heart, for read ing this bit of poten tial boredom. I real ize what a pile of dreck campaign state ments are. Now for the part about what I would do if elected Senior Senator. I will be available for interegation over any subject (except my Saturday night in Mem phis). I will not be a rubber stamp. I will advocate the right of students to have a good time. I will make my bed. Now since I’m not where you're at, fake a firm handshake and a toothy grin (dimples if you like). Seri ously I would appre ciate your support. So long. Bill Cathey In the past, I feel that we, stu dents, have not been represented. For ex ample, last year a major issue that con cerned the students was the question of the mandatory food program for dorm stu dents. Numerous polls and question- aires were taken con cerning the mandatory food program and the results showed the students against the program. Yet, we have a mandatory food pro gram this year requir ing the students to buy $200 worth of meal tickets instead of the previous year's $100 worth of meal tickets. Whether the administra tion listened to the students with deaf ears or whether the student representa tives ignored the voices of the students is not known. I want the chance to listen to the students and represent them in SG. I can't promise any earth-shaking changes, but I will do my darn- dest to represent the students. Delene Gillison COMMUTER SENATOR My name is Jim Cavanagh. I am a com muter student from Hendersonville, I support a strong cen tralized Student Gov ernment, the athletic program, (even though I would like to see more women's athlet4- ics), and especially WUNF-FM where I work as a DJ for one hour five nights a week. I have held numer ous positions of au thority, and can han dle responsibility well. In 1972 I was on the Campaign Staff for Daniel Walker, the present Governor of Illinois, and even received an invita tion to the Inaugura tion, I was also on the re-election com mittee of a U.S. Con gressman. I moved to New Jersey and in 19- 73 I began an environ mental education and action program. Upon moving to Hendersonville, I started my own gra phics agency, and be came officially re cognized by the Fed eral Government in May of this year. I have also held many other positions too numerous to be men tioned here. I stay around UNCA enough to know my way around, but not e- nough to loose touch with the commuter life-style. A life style which only a commuter can really understand. I feel that I am capable of fulfilling the job of commuter senator, and if I am elected I will work hard for you--very, very hard. It's the only way I know of to get any thing accomplished. Consider all of the points carefully, and I feel that you will put your "X" next to JIM CAVANAGH COMMUTER SENATOR. FRESHMAN SENATOR Since coming here I have wondered on many occasions just what is going on in this "higher" institu tion of learning. Can we not say that anything forgotten is not learned at all but just passes thru as unused data. Well-- let's not make our stu dents feel as they are unused data. Let the students speak and be heard. Let them be come involved. Let them make UNCA happen for and by the student. Let me become involved. Thank-you, Dugan Lewis UlLCATHfy /{^enr^loep ^ ^slice Cnjn^i^^ioQj Grfjnjij^ioNer oT (orf|rqur\ficat)or^ £ 5err)I-SoBet^ GhPlOf^ TOCT>ayrom f[ badlv... ‘t,... ! F- p