Wiit jlBUligerimner October 6, 1977 UNC-AshevUle, 28804 a review of the premier THEA TRE UNC- ASHEVILLE OPENS SEASON by ERWIN COOK UNC-A-drama, under the di rection of Arnold Wengrow, opens its 1977-78 season' with Langford Wilson's The Rimers of Eldritch. Wilson, an American play wright, acheived popular ac claim for his comic Hot L Baltimore. Rimers shows Oc tober 6-8 at 8:30 p.m. with a Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. Langford's central concerns are expressible in the time old question "Is man no more than this?" To express this he assembles an array of mis fits, cripples, and looneys, vainly trying to live their illusions. The town's cho sen symbol is the rusting Plymouth of its hero who was killed in a two bit race in Centerville. Its' voices of truth are a town retrobate named Skelly and Mary Winrod, a senile nur'se who has the •bravery to believe in her dreams, as the citizens laugfi as they try to live theirs. A vagrant trucker moves in with Cora, the town restua- rant owner, and only sane ci tizen, scandalizing the town. The trucker at first doesn't consider or care about the gossip but the city has its effect, and by Act II he is paranoid too. The citizens, robbed of all ambition, fall to justifying their own wretched lives by reducing everyone else to their own level, in an endless stream of malicious gossip. God looms indifferent and on ly Centerville offers escape. Lanford's result is a soap. an albeit sophisticated soap, but all the same a soap. And on a series basis could of fer America an advanced case (^f "Another World" or "Gen eral Hospital", His chrono logical hocus-pocus sets in relief an array of stereo types and impotent symbolism that would make Harriet . Breecher Stowe cringe. The Betrobate, an 80 year old dissipate has insights into town members worthy of Freud. Three years earlier. Driver Or's brother; Driver, the towns' only celebrity, is killed in a car race and his car is left as a memor ial in downtown. And Driver Jr's girlfriend Eva tells Jr. "Everytime I see that car it kills mel" Wilson's Rimers nevertheless scores some potent emotional punches. All the lead roles were strong, with ace perfor mances by Paul deVere who played Skelly Manor, Byron Ballard who played Nelly Windrod and Rebecca Meadows, the cafe owner. Also in the cast are Tom Lee and Toni Williams, the two lovers whose quarrel leads to an accidental killing. Chric Mathis, Cora's lover, Cynthia Cole, Brenda Cook, Fred Jones, Michael Manly, Michael Moon, Lisa Mulvaney, A1 Myers, M. Katherine Rey nolds, Valerie Stewart, and Sophia Zsigmond complete the cast. All in all a very suc cessful staging with superb lighting and set designs, and special effects. Well worth the seeing. Paul deVere plays an eccentric hernrtit whose behavior in a small town in Iowa causes his death in the Theatre UNC-Asheville production of The Rimers of Eldritch playing at the Carol Belk Theatre, October 6-8, 8:30 p.m. with a Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $3.00 ad ults, $1.50 students, reservations may be made by calling 253-577.8. Student Oubs and Activities Have you ever been bored stiff with your school work? Have you every thought that you would go stark-raving mad i f you di dn't get yoyr mind off of classes? If so, you should check into some of the extracurriculum activities that are avail able at U.N.C.-A., for there is surely to be something that will be suitable to everyone's taste. Those interested in sports might want to join Alpha Nu Lambda, a social and athletic activity on campus. Early each fall, there are cheerleading "tryouts" for all eligible students, as well as the participation in intra mural football. Winter sports include a womens' basketball team, under the coaching Professor Tom Cochran, and a mens' team, with Bob Hartman serving Student Senate Meeting Chancellor King Visits Senate The seventh regular Senate Meeting of this semester was held Tuesday, October 4, 1977 at 3:50. Senators present were: Kent, Parham, Keesler, Har vey, Eller, Gardner, Brown, Skeele, Reed, Smith, Neuschaeffer, Williams, and Mundy. Others present were: Dr. King, Dean Deason, Branham Stevenson, Phil lips, McAffee, Saunders, West, Parker, Parrish, Bigelow, Putnam, Kindiey. Sales, and McEnerny. After the meeting was called to order, twenty minutes late. Dr. King, acting chancellor, spoke to the Senate. He assured them that they could, ". . .expect me to see things carried on as usual during the illness of the chancellor." He told the senate he would be glad to listen to anything they had to say and he urged them to come to him anythime. Senator Harvey then questioned Dr. King and Dean Paul T. Deason about the possibility of estab lishing an off-campus SG account for the funds gen erated from the up-coming concert. Dr. King stated "I believe all money col lected by any agency must go through the usual procedures in order to provide for state auditing. And Student Government would be acting as such in this case." Mr. Deason agreed to meet with the already established Senate^Committee chaired by Senator Kent to discuss the fate of the projected pro- f i ts. The fall semester SG bud get was then presented to the senate. The $14,188.50 budget was sponsored by Parham and Eller. A summa tion of the budget is as con't on page 3 as the coach. Also, there is an intramural basketball team that is open to all interested stu dents and faculty members. The year finishes each spring with intramural volleyball, which also is open to all interested members of the college community; tennis activi ties, under the coaching of Professor Harry Johnston of which students must try out for, and performances by the square dance team, which, too, is based on tryouts. U.N.C.-A. also offers such service organizations as the K-ettes, a club, primarily of young women, whose goal is to serve the University through a con cern in campus and civic affairs. They have two Continued on Page 10 {ONTHilNsibi ^ t Page 2 Editorials J Page 3 Academic and k Cultural J Page 4 Sports I Page 5....Entertainment j Page 6 Roughage and i Health » Page 7 Sliding SAT Scores I Page 8 FUNNY PAGE I Page 9....CROSSWORD and ! TARTUFFERY f Page 10...Black Unemployment ( Page 11...CLUB NEWS I Page 12...Fight rising ^ College Cost 13...Movies 14...DNA Research-Legal Aid-Contest 15...5.XPLANATIONS 16...H0R0SC0PE-Puzzle Answers-Classified I Page ) Page ! Page iPage I I