Page 2 October 13 the Ridgerunner editorials Keep up with SG Students at UNC-A need to keep up with their student gov ernment. Let me use this space to explain how. The senate meets every Tuesday at 3:30 in the S.G. Office. Observers are welcome, but not generally allowed to partici pate in the discussion. I say "not generally" because visitors generally have not been present for earlier discussion and tend to stretch out the meeting. Also, few are accustomed to Robert's Rules of Order, and tend to be declared "out of order" If you wish to participate as an observer, attend the meetings on a regular basis and read up on the Rules. This way, logistics won't get between the senate and your i deas. If you do not wish to sit through the meetings (which are usually long, tedious, and frankly, boring to most people) there are still ways to make suggestions and/or find out what is going on. You can contact Bill Branham, S.G. president, or Eddy Thomas, vice-president, to find out what you need to know. For suggestions, you can contact any of the senators and suggest ideas. They can put it into the necessary bill or resolution form. This generally takes a week or two to work its way onto the agenda for discussion. If all you wish to do is keep up with various plans, read the Ridgerunner. We announce all upcoming events we are notified of, preview the movies, and have an article about the senate meeting. To fit the article into the paper, we do not go into too much depth on discussions and such, but try to cover the high points. Generally, the S.G. people are more than willing to talk to you about most any problem you have. If they can't help you, they'll tell you who can. Also, they will help you anytime but Tuesday afternoon during the meeting. (These meetings are often two hours long, and they'd rather - take care of business on the agenda." Make use of your S.G. They're good folk. If you don't have anything you'd care to see them about, at least keep up with what they're doing. It affects your stay at UNC-Ashevilie. RL Atomic Paranoia Useless 32 years after the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiro shima and Nagasaki, we still are faced with the problem of how to control this force. Each day the question of nuclear proliferation is debated by the world's leaders. All of the world's so-called super powers have far more than adequate stock piles of arms. So, why then all the debate over limitation such as the SALT talks. It seems that arms are used as pawns in a power game by the United States, Russia and China with the minor powers chipping their two cents in just to keep everyone else on their toes. So you ask what is there to keep them from blowing each other to oblivion; the answer is there is nothing to keep Russia or China'from launching a surprise attack on the United States. But one still says, they have not done it or they would not do it; because they are reasonable people; they do not want to be destroyed any more then we do. However, all the powers seem to be treading on thin ice at the moment. Russia and China are at odds with each other, the SALT talks broke down between the U.S. and Russia and, as one Conneticut representative said, if the Pentagon deve lops the mobile missile launching system, which it is deliberating on instead of the now defunct B-1 Bomber, it could give Russia and China the go ahead in a time of crisis. It seems that there is no clear cut answer for this problem, it is quite evident that all powers are in a stalemate “as far as the logical reasonable mind goes, but man is usually illogical and unreasonable, so I submit that we stop worrying about it and live our lives normally, because when and if doomsday comes, we will not have to worry about it anyway. GP Academics Ignored The academic segment of campus life has long been neglected by the various student organizations at UNC-A. Until recently, the only purpose of student organizations has been to provide social entertainment for a minority of the few active students we manage to attract. Don't misunderstand, however, social ac tivities are a staple commodity and perform a vital function. If it were not for beer-busts, coffeehouse performances, and dances, the majority of the dorm students would be bored stiff sitting on the Quadrangle watching the grass grow (pun in- t Tlw Oaiwwlty of Wertfc EDITOR randy luquire MANAGING EDITORS steve eller gerry parham LAYOUT AND PHOTO EDITOR mark west NEWS EDITOR a I iso n phi!Ups SPORTS EDITOR c/iwcAr edminson BUSINESS MANAGER maureen bioelow ADVERTISING MANAGER sharlene ricp STAFF terri stuart, anne sales, chris mangum ron Caldwell, dawn proctor, kris wharton Charlie parrish, gene Jones, dean sales star newberry, erwin cook tended) The Undergraduate research Association (URA) has taken cognizance of this fact and is working toward a remedy for this disease of neglect. It is their purpose to: (l)stimulate and promote interest in undergraduate research projects in science related fields, (2)present the opportunity for students to at tend and participate in professional scientific conferences, (3)direct the undergraduate toward the process of composition and submission of scientific literature for print, (4)provide the media of exchange for a variety of science topics and re search projects that are of interest to the academic community. The URA wants to make UNC-A a source of community and academic interest. They want to say, "Look, Asheville, you have a branch of the University of North Carolina over here and we have something to offer to you. We are a great untapped re source for the area." Our school does indeed have a lot to of fer, we can be a resource center for not only Asheville but all of Western North Carolina as well. The URA is attempting to build a name for "Little Harvard on the Hill" by exposing the community to our academic programs, while at the same time, stimulating the interest of students in the processes arid benefits of undergraduate recearch. SWE Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: About this time each year, persons or person un- Iknown begin calling stu dents representing them selves as being affiliated with the UNC-A art Depart ment seeking models for certain projects. They usually quote a high hourly rate and a promise of greater things to come. The conversation usually changes to what type under clothing is worn and what is expected to be worn, if any.It may border on ob scenity. If the student stm shows an Interest, an attempt is made to set up a date. The Art Department at UNC-A does not obtain their models in this manner. Anyone receiving a call of this nature is urged to report it to the Campus Police Department. Thank you. Chief Ray UNC-A Police Department WRITE THE EDITOR ALL SIGNED LETTERS WILL BE PRINTED ®LN5uufeyo!!!!.KMc FOR THE WtNTeR. POOL. pouBtf UPWiTUAMP. m i MAKe use op SOLAR ENeR©Y. @ SAV5 ELeCTWClTV, US® YOUR FiRepLAce. & amuoiiiy/me/.