THE RIDGERUNNER February 14,1978 UNC Asheville. 2NM04 Volume XIII, Number 14 SPECIAL EDITION This week on Wednesday, Student Government is holding its 'annual' elections for SG President, Vice-President, and Senate seats. There have been tour persons tile for the position of Student Government President-Steve Finley, Sammy Kent, Qyde McPeters, and Dale Saunders. Three persons have filed for the Vice-Presidential position-Darrell Parker, Gary Stone, and John Zeuli, Beth Penland, Gerry Pariiam, and Todd Cecchini have filed for the three available Senior Senator seats and Marie West, Anthony Gentry, Randy Reed, and^William Thompson are seeking the three Junior Senate positions. For the Sophomore Senate seats, six persons have filed-Scott Lamed, Robert Skeele, John Putnam, Kay Reynolds, Chris Franks, and Dee Forester. In this issue of THE RIDGERUNNER, we have attempted to print pictures and neces sary information of all the Presidential Candidates and Vice-Presidential Candidates. Some of the candidates were not available for pictures and some did not submit cam paign statements; THE RIDGERUNNER has, nevertheless, made some attempt to in troduce the candidates to the students. Remember, you have the right to decide who will represent you and who will spend your money, but only if you vote Wednesday. STEVE FINLEY SG Presidential Candidate .SOPHOMORF DALE SAUNDERS .SG Presidential Candidate JUNIOR M CLYDE McPETERS SG Presidential Candidate JUNIOR SAMMY KENT SG Presidential Candidate SOPHOMORE CORRECTION IN THE LAST ISSUE OF THE RIDGERUNNER IT WAS SAID THAT BEER WAS THE ONLY ALCOHOLIC beverage WHICH WILL BE ALLOWED AT THE HOMECOMING DANCE THIS WAS A MISTAKE!!! BROWN BAGGING WILL BE PERMITTED