theridgerunnertheridgerunnertheridgerunnertheridgerunnertheridgerunnertheridgerunnertheridgerunnertheridgerunne JHE RIDGERUNNER Volume XIV Number 1 KYRIE ELEISON VISITED MODULATION this door gently closes and encloses, sephulchral the nuclear you and i like Christ - infusion at the gentle dawn shall see you allayed a touch, stylized dry lips tremble at the razor’s first touch as pale blood tempers the white-hot chalice it is so final. . . for this was my body broken, for this was the new Sacrament. Agnus Dei. Agnus Dei. / was by jbeings from the outer space Asked if I might go with them — / asked what them ^ could teach — they laughing, said ‘anything’ I said ‘‘But, you’ve answered my only question. A Ray Leaps - the so black a-cross quick silver arching dart so bright thin and parallel to the floor of consciousness ray trembles, once, and then we are gone the photograph is by tim barnwell and was done with a Canon F-1 and is printed on Ilfobrom. the poem KYRIE ELEISON was written by mark west. The poems MODULA TION and VISITED were written by erwin cook, we’re going to print art and poetry in each issue of the RIDGERUNNER. If you would like to submit some of your work for consideration, please bring it by the office on second floor Lipinsky. we pay on publication. we also need staff writers, if you would like to cover clubs, cultural events, sports andfor social events, come on by.