page 2, Feb. 2,1979 EDITODIALS The power of the press in the past has been, for the most part, within the realms of what are basically constitutional issues. Most of what we know as “student rights” was a product of the hell raising of the 60’s. Now that most of the furor has died down , very subtle changes have taken place. The issue now is money, big buckets full of money that the Administration is holding on to for dear life. Tlie Publications Board, for all of its good intentions, has a real strangle hold on the Ridgerunner and the Sununit. Last year’s Publications Board decided to close down the Summit for one year to get the thing out of debt. This year, the Summit was reopened, and Carl Mott was chosen as Editor. Carl resigned to go on to bigger and better things, and now the Summit is op erating without an Editor, without a budget, and with the unsteady approval of the Publications Board. The problem, of course, is money. It appears that when the Board revived the Summit, no one took into account the fact that there niay not be enough money to allow for two publications. As it turns out, there is not enough. The former Editor (Mark West), not only left a carry-over debt of S1433.45, but also spent S925.13, for a grand average of S500.00 for each of the 4 issues he printed. The Publications Board did not call Mr. West to the carpet for some kind of account for his actions, but rather have decided not to allocate any money this semester in order to pay the debt. It is as though they are saying,“We know you are not to blame for what happened, but we are going to make you pay for it anyway.” There were several other alternatives that the Board never seemed to con sider. For example, when the Board was in much the same position last year, they appealed to the Campus Commission for the money and received it. It does not appear that this possibility was considered. Regardless of the fact that the unpaid debt is rather large, the money could have been scraped together without withholding anything from the present publications. It’s a very tricky situation all around due to the fact that there is a slow, steady attempt on the part of the Board to move into what has been, in the past, considered the business of the Editor. Despite the fact that Mr. West spent so much, there is no doubt about the fott t\mt the piacc where he chose to pilnt the paper, and how much he chose to spend, as Editor, is none of the Publication Board’s business, pro vided that he did not spend over what he was allocated, which he did not. In all probability the Board will attempt to hire someone to do nothing more approve and oversee all student organization expendatures and accounts. That’s all well and good, except for the fact that it insults the Finance Com missioner for Student Government, the Business Manager for the Summit and the Business Manager for the Ridgerunner. On top of that the proposal hits CO me a little bit late in the game. The next few weeks should be interesting for all parties concerned. And don’t be suprised if when it conies time to choose a new Editor for both the Ividgcrunner and tlic Summit, there is a motion on the floor to shut down both publications-permantly. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ♦ ♦ if ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 41 4» * /TflFF BOX Editor Maureen C. Bigelow Secretary Kathy Beatty Layout Editor Brett Pangle Sports Editor Matt Connolly News Editor Alison Phillips Features Editor. Ron Caldwell Arts Editor John Covey Writers; Qiarlene Bayles, Chris Mangum, Ben Hood, John Baum- garten,Steve Finley, James Doonan,Kim Heritage, Steve Johns. Anne Dosier Proofreader Many thanks to: Marilyn B. Powell, Sammy Kent and Terri Stuart Special Thanks to Gail Sn)ith ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4* ♦ 4* t * May I take this opportunity to thank all the many students, facul ty, and staff who with their prayers and concern helped my daughter Marcelyn and my family during her 10 weeks in intensive care at Memo rial Mission Hospital. Marcelyn is home convalescing now. May I also take this opportunity to thank Ur. William Morgan, her Pediatric Sur geon, and his staff, for saving her life. God Bless you all, Marcel Andrade Maureen I had been frustrated seeking people who have initiative and do a good job. My search has ended. I am impressed with the ad you cre ated, your paper and you. You’ve given me hope (even if I haven’t gotten a response from the ad). Thanks for everything ! Cordially, Bess (Baird) VJAS ^)(AKlfOAl|0/l , ITiE/iJ ! fiwi Ipftr, SfTT7A/'6 W -Tc/OORE CDf^tA\ljEFS NOW, Tbs] -fflSR CWA.> srvi=&^ \ I THIAJK / . v53M'r- A journalist is a grumbler, a censurer, a giver of advice, a regent of sovereigns, a tutor of nations. Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets. Napoleon Bonaparte