wiiNes For elegant and unusual fashion accessories & ^ifts Come see our selection of fine handcrafted designs Win^s features handbags, belts, hair ornaments, jewelry & many special ^ surprises ^ 28 Battery Park A ve. February Hours 11 - 5:30 Thurs - Sat 253^7352 Most items are priced 25% below retail “The military is back in” says Steve Smith, a spokesman for a toy trade publication. G.l. Joe is back and expected to be a big hit among America’s tykes. Joe has been hidden in the bush since those uppity long hairs got uptight about the Vietnam War. Well Joe is back and he comes with a complete set of military hardware. Buy Joe and Co. for your youngster and raise him/her into a lethal fighting machine. National Review gives the President some election year advice. “Subdue the emerging image that the Reagan Administration is a government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich...No more visits by Sinatra and Co., no more holidays at millionaire Walter An- nenberg’s 200-acre estate, no more statements by senior White House aides that they cannot survive on a $60,000-plus yearly salary.” RUMINATIONS Lee Rosen Women on the bench. Reagan appointed the first woman to the Supreme Court. He has also appointed 43 other federal judges. Of the 43, only one is a woman. Interesting ploy on that play by the quarterback. As college costs continue to rise and Reagan cuts out support for middle income students a crash can be expected. It’s the middle income people who cast the votes and they are enrolling in universities and ap plying for assistance in greater numbers. The median age of college students was 21.4 in 1970 and now it’s 22.1. Part-time students made up of 32% of the college students in 1970 and now they are 41.5%. By the way, the majority of college students are female. Recent bumperstickers: “I Brake For Whales,” “Let Them Eat Jellybeans,” “Im peach Reagan,” “E.M.K. ’84,” “Reagan Hood Takes From the Poor...Gives to the Military,” “Beaches Are an Endangered Species.”