serving the students of the University of North Carolina at Asheville since 1982 IVolume 3, Number 7 Thursday. October 6, 1983 r A* . V -Mu i'fH EsCi Arnold exhibit opens in Owen y* ’ ' - '"' - *** ■ J Decisions, decisions: Ann Flynn looks on as Danny Young and Kelly Davis consider their candidate options in last week's SG election. Photo by David L^our SGA election results Robinson VP By Leigh Kelley In an election showing a 20 percent Increase in voter participation from last year's election, senior Kris Robinson won UNCA's student govern ment vice president seat Thursday. Student government president Ken Cagle said over 300 students voted. "I'm real pleased with the turnout," said Cagle. "It's a good sign of more student in terest ." Robinson was a fresh man senator and was el ections commissioner in last year's GuUmartin administration. Cagle said this exper ience will help Robinson do a good job. "He knows a lot about whafs going on and that will be important," said Cagle. UNCA students decided a number of SG senate seats as well as the vice presidential seat Thursday. Elected were: senior senator, Ann Flynn; junior senator, Doug Miller; sophomore sena tors , Kenneth Harris and Mike Norris; freshman senators, JoAnn Akrivos, Kenneth Hardy and Angela McElvine; oommutor sena tors, Kathy Guthrie and Larry Johnson; and dorm senator, Steve Magoon. Flynn won the senior senator seat as a write in. She said she does not know whether or not she will accept the of fice because of time conflicts in her sche dule. Since only one dorm senator and one junior senator were elected and there should be two of Continued on page 8 By Lee Hinebaugh "Single person exhib its are nearly always the lifetime goal of an artist," said UNCA art instructor Dianne Cable, last week. UNCA art student Sonia Arnold is now achieving that goal. Her senior exhibition, "Combined Images," opened with a reception in the Owen Art BuUding gallery Sept. 30. The exhibition con tinues through Nov. 16. The title, "Combined Images," has its origin in the fact that "the paintings begin as a collage, or cut-out work, having disparate scenes in succession without transition," said Arnold. These scenes then serve eis a model for the painting, she said. Arnold noted that "sometimes the painting stays the same as the collage and sometimes it changes as work progres ses." Air-brushing is an other technique employed by Arnold in creating these works. She said that air- brushing blends one color into another co lor, sometimes creating an entirely new color. These techniques along with Arnold's more than 10 years of art training and work, serve to cre ate "surreal paintings of color and beauty," said UNCA junior art student Scott Lowery. One couple at the opening remarked that Arnold "has entitled the paintings in an intrigu ing and revealing man ner." The titles include: "Quiescence," "Neo- -Paradigm Shift," "Transformative Rela tionships," "The Joining 11," "Another Place, An other Time," "Assimila tion," and "Aqueous Vis ions ." "The first thing one sees in the works is technical proficiency," said UNCA senior art student Leslie Shaw. "Then, upon closer study, one begins to see the artist, the person behind the technique." "It is impossible to describe what a success ful senior exhibit means to me, other than to say there is an immense per sonal satisfaction," said Arnold. The senior exhibiton for Arnold and for near ly all senior exhibit ors, is "the first one person show in a life time of artistic pur suit," said Cable. "It is like the very young adult starting the maturation process that later develops the adult into a mature person or the artist into a well- balanced , mature paint er," she continued. Arnold taught at Bre vard Middle School for five years before begin ning her studies at UNCA. "I would like to re turn to teaching again," she said,, "partly be- Continued on page 8 1 To drink or not to drink: The drinking issue looms larger this week than last week since the governor's Safe Roads Act went into effect at mid night Oct. 1. Students Charles Smith. Melinda Hammond, Susan Elliott and Harold Alston don't seem too concerned yet as they enjoy beer, Bejae Fleming and Jim Ritchey at the Cafe Potpourri. For a discussion of the constitutional aspects of the law, see this week's editorial. Photo by Pam Walker