10 The Barker SUBMIT TO HEADWATERS! Musician? Artist? Writer? Poet? We want to see what you’ve got. Get a submission form from room 240 in KH or from our website. You could be famous! (maybe) email: creative@bulldog.unca.edu web: unca.edu/headwaters One Card Notice! UNC Asheville students, faculty and staff may now add funds to their One- Card by using the Automatic Deposit Machine (ADM) that's located beside the ATM in Ramsey Copy Center. Just swipe or $20 and press end OneCard, insert $1, $5, $10 Anri If you thought you had not been engaged in any thought-provoking debates lately, then you missed “An Afternoon With Salonnieres & Philolophes” This performance, put on by Professor Wayne Ewing’s Humanities 324 class sections, took place on November at 2pm in Carol Belk Theater. The performance was set in the 17**' century, between the years of 1750-1760. Let your mind travel to the city of Paris seething with young new ideas as the Enlightenment period was at its height. Elite female salonnieres open their cozy French homes to students of new thought, new action, and human progress. The men who engage in these discourses are intellectual individuals who have come to share their minds work of social and political thought. The space is filled with flowing ideologies on religion, technology, human rights, and warfare. The Marquise du Deffand played by Katy Oh opens each discourse with a thought provoking statement. Her guests then take part in a game of true intellectual “tag.” Each philosophe presents one ideas towards the nature of man and the world, and sets the scene for an educational, and sometimes comedic, debate. The philosophes, played by Ian Melligan, John Inglese, Josh Jolley, and Forrest Livengood, represent a colorful and lively group of writers, mathematicians, and diplomats of diverse individual background with sound thoughts and reason. They are accompanied in each debate by not only the Marquise but two other elite, intellectual women played by Julia Cunningham, and Kelly Harmon, who take it in good Parisian fashion to become enlightened by each invigorating discourse. With the UNCA string quartet sweetly wielding musical notes in the background, and an open dialogue for the audience to join in the simulation, it could not have been more delightful. The players, the musicians, the costumes, the audience, and the ambience all yielded a perfect example of this place in human history, which was a key turning point in the enlightenment period. And, one in which we all could use a live theatrical reminder of every once in awhile to arouse our stagnate, western minds. Check out www.unca.edu/'^wewinq for more information about this year’s event, and how to get involved in the future!