Wednesday. Sept. 12. 1984/THE BLUE BANNER/2 -niT%RIAL- Time out for Helms/Hunt I'Vith only two months to go until elections, iMorth Carolina's senatorial candidates seem to be getting increasingly unscrupulous in their personal attacks. The negative aura that per meates many of their paid political television commercials almost totally pervaded their second on-the-air debate Sunday evening. It detracted greatly from whatever reason or logic their questions and comments contained. Granted, Gov. Jim Hunt did challenge Sen. Jesse helms to agree to a moratorium on nega tivism, a challenge Helms sidestepped. However, Hunt seems to have the little boy attitude of "if you won't quit, I won't either." The huge sums spent paying for their cam paigns, a million by Helms; $3.y million by Hunt), the largest in U.S. senatorial campaign history, could surely be better spent promoting themsdves some other way. We would rather vote for a candidate who used $2 million to help build a hospital for sick children, for example, rather than for one who spent 4»2 million to make us sick with his sour television ads. It's time for Hunt and Helms to call for a mutual time-out in their war of words. They need to use this time to revaluate their tactics and strategies. Ue, the citizens of North Carolina, expect a lot of our leaders; and one of the things we expect is for them, if they are men, to be gen tlemen. Both candidates claim they want to re late to each other as gentlemen. Ue think it's about time they started doing so. ?Mcnes'. tift 'ioTH§ J '.V;2o -TiHS.aiWlSft Y ^ CtaA\ BLUC lANNCR %TATr Anno Paulette Witt editor Pam Walker associate editor Penny Kramp news editor Anna Wilson features editor Anne Snuffer sports editor Colin "Scoop"' White arts/entertainment editoi Chris Streppa staff artist Sylvia Hawkins Staff: Billy J. Adams Joe Czarnecki III Andrea Hutchins Cathy Jannes Donna Obrecht Joan Sterk Shawn L. Wickham Caroline Brown Darryl Gosnell Donna McCown Kirby Mark Mundy Phil Ross Deborah W. Weeks Comer’s Corner The Road Not LETTERS Students should register Dear Editor, This is a very important election year! i’he Student Government Asso ciation, the College Democrats, the College Republicans, the Political Science Association and other concerned individuals are joining together to promote student voter registration on our campus. As educated college students, we feel it is our duty to be concerned about the low rate of voter registration in our country. We realize how important it is to take an interest in the issues of our time. Uf the approximately 24 million people in the United States, age ltt-24, eligible to vote, only 6 million are registered. This 25^ rate is the lowest of any group in the country. If students do not vote, their concerns are not heard, and their opinions are not respected by politicans. On Sept. lb, UiNiCA has planned a voter registration kickoff meeting. Hegisters will be on campus from 10-4:UU p.m., Sept. 25-26. In this non partisan effort, we need your help in registering as many students as pos sible. Students are urged to come to this meeting on Sept. la, 8:0U p.m. in room 37, Highsmith University Center. We need you to get involved! Do it - Sept. lb! Cordially yours. Student Government Association The Political Science Association \ The College Democrats The College Republicans of UNCA Policies THE BLUE BANNER wdcomes letters to the editor. We will consider let ters for publication on the basis of interest, timeliness, tastefulness and space. Letters should be typed double-spaced, or printed legibly. They should not exceed 400 words. Letters should be sign^ with the writ er's name followed by his or her year in school, major, or other relation ship to UNCA. Please include a telephone number to aid in verification. Unless otherwise indicated, the opinions expressed in editorials, car toons, columns and stories in THE BLUE BANNER do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the staff advisor, UNCA's Student Government Association, administration or faculty. Opinions expressed in this publication may or may not agree with those of its editors. The editorial board of THE BLUE BANNER has final say about what appears on its pages.