V Off The Record By Colin “Scoop” White Arts-Entertainment Editor .. .Just when you thought it was safe to turn on the tele~ vision, yet another awards show rears its ugly little head! And no, I'm not talking about the Oscars, the Emnys, the To ny's or the Granimy's. I am, of course, referring to the 1ST ANNUAL, (indicating that we can look forward to another one of these every year), >ffV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS. This "star-studded" gala, telecast live last Friday night on (yep, you guessed it) MTV and rebroadcast throughtout the weekend (and next weekend) on various syndicated channels (Check your local TV guide for listings sorry, I just could n't pass up the chance.), paid heed to, while at the same time satirized, the all-too-cliche traditions of other awards shows. Comedian/actor/screenwriter Dan Ackroyd (not exactly what I'd call an experienced music ian, unless you count the 30 seconds of sauntering in the finale of the Ghostbusters video) and comedienne(?)/sing- er/amateur actress Bette Midler ('Nuff said) hosted the event, which lionored videos appearing on MTV between blay 2, IVciS and tiay 2, 1984. (And believe me, each one appeared over and over and over again redundency in tended .) Accompanying the multi-tal ented Ackroyd and the (oops, never mind) Midler were more than a dozen other celebrities posing as emcees (after all, how much skill does it really take to read a cue card and hand out trophies, anjrway? ! ? ). The prize itself, though, was much more creative and original than a little naked man en crusted in gold (Oscar). The MTV award consisted of an astronaut with matching flag, both apparently made of silver (or whatever the right stuff is) yeah, man, the MIV mas cot! But enough of the background info, o.k.? Let's get to the important stuff! ‘Merry Wives of Windsor’ Vfednesday» Sept. 19, 1984/lHE BLUE BANNER/7 AND THE WINNERS ARE: BEST PERFORMANCE IN A VIDEO: Michael Jackson, Thriller. Of course. Unfortunately, Michael wasn't able to be there (that's okay; no excuse needed and that's good, because no excuse was given), so he asked his ,buddy Diana Ross to pick up his trophy (assuming he received only one, that is). BEST NEW ARTIST; The Euryth- niics. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These). New?!? BEST STAGE FERFORI'IANCE: lialen, Janq>. Way ta go, dudes! BEST CHOREOGRAPHY; Michael Jackson, Thriller. Good deal. After all, it ^ a good video (the first ten times you see it, anyway). BEST GROUP VIDEO; ZZ Top, Legs. Or better entitled: Best Video Exploitation of the Fe male Anatomy. BEST DIRECTION: ZZ Top, Sharp Dressed Man. Nice car, guys. BEST CONCEPT VIDEO: iierbie iiancock, Rocklt. Boy, can those robots dance! VIEWER'S CHOICE: Mchael Jackson, Thriller. 'Nuff said. BEST FEMALE VIDEO; Cyndi l^uper. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Okay, so maybe I'm not her biggest fan, but I still think that she deserved this one. Look at it this way. She was nominated time after time (get it?), nine times to be exact, and ended up winning only one award. And after she did such a lovely job of reading the rules in Babylonian, in njemory of the great Hammurabi, too. BEST MALE VIDEO: David Bowie, China Girl. Or better entit led: Best Video Exploitation of the Female Anatomy, Part 2. And, finally, BEST VIDEO OF 'HiE YEAR (Drumroll, please): 'fhe Cars, You Might Think. Yay, team! And now it's time to wrap up the column. But first, I would like to thank my... The Cultural Arts and Special Events Committee at Ul'JCA i^ill present the North Carolina Shakespeare B’estival in its 0171- i^EAClI '84 production of The Merry Wives of Windsor, Tuesday, Sept. 23, 8 p.m., in Lipinsky Auditorium. The production is directed by NCSF's director, Malcolm Morri son. NCSF is the "state Shake speare Festival" and has at- Ricochet Productions Presents tracted audiences from all over the country in its eight year liistory. The festival selected this production for touring in celebration of the 400th anni versary of the Roanoke Voyages currently held state-wide. Tickets will be sold in the Highsmith University Center. Prices are as follows: adults, $5; senior citizens and child ren, $4; UNCA faculty and staff, $3; UNCA students, $1. AshevilleXivic Center Saturday, Sept. 22 8:00 p.m. TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT THESE LOCATIONS: Asheville Civic Center Box Office Boomer’s Rhythm Center - Marion and Morganton Commanchee Records - Hendersonville Dallas Discount Corner - Candler Franklin Chamber of Commerce - Franklin L & M Records - Brevard Carol’s Records - Greenville, S.C. Horizon Records ~ Greenville $ 11 Advance Tickets $ 13 At the door lbQQQQQOQQOOOOOOOOOOQQQQQQQQ€aQQeQeQQQOQQQQQg>di