Cafeteria told ‘clean up act’ By Donna McCown Kirby In response to student protests against cafeteria service. Dr. Eric lovac- chlnl, vice-chancellor for student affairs, Issued a warning to Professional Food Service Management Regional Director, Steve Bucko, Sr. *‘I told him that they had 30 days to clean up their act or they'd be re placed," said lovacchlnl. Referring to the quality of the food, lovacchlnl said, "the contract speci fications were not being met PFM, until Bucko's recent Inspection visit. "From now on they will be." With advance notice of Bucko's visit to caiqpus, Doug Griffin, Student Gov ernment Association senior senator, prepared a three- page questionnaire to sur vey student attitudes con cerning PFM's service. During a meeting with Keith Ray's student lead ership development class and at a meeting later with the SGA, Griffin con fronted both Bucko and UNCA's Cafeteria Director, Rick Vogel, with the res ponses of the 224 students who filled out the survey. Bucko Insisted the cafe teria is providing nutri tionally sound meals. "You can't force students to Continued on page 8 The Rise and Fall of Cafeteria Fare Staff photo by Sylvia Hawkins I Serving the students of the University of North Carolina Asheville since 1982 Volume V, Number V Formerly KALEIDOSCOPE Wednesday, Oct. 3, 1984 State’s first lady campaigns on campus By Penny Kramp News Editor Caring about people- that is the biggest dif ference in Governor Jim Hunt and Senator Jesse Helms, according to Caro lyn Hunt, wife of the Dem ocratic senate hopeful. Ms. Hunt visited UNCA Saturday while on the cam paign trail endorsing her husband. "Ify husband cares about the people of North Caro lina and he is willing to work with them. Jim cares about the future also. We want to keep North Caro lina moving ahead," said Ms. Hunt. Carolyn Hunt raMpaigim 3^ Honecoalqg. Staff photo by Penny Kramp Ms. Hunt arrived on the soccer field in the midst of Homecoming festivities. She mingled among on lookers, pausing to intro duce herself to each per son. She even took time to purchase a hot dog from the Literature Club. (ev erything but onions). Ms. Hunt then proceeded to the Hlghsmlth Student Center for a reception sponsored by the College Democrats and the Black Student Association of UNCA. Governor Hunt has a special message for col lege students said Ms. Hunt. "Young people should know how hard nay husband has worked to improve edu- graduate center opens An M. A. from UNCA By Cathy James UWOA is no longer ex clusively an undergraduate institution. Students seeking degrees beyond a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science de gree now have the option of taking post-graduate courses on the UNCA canr pus. UNCA's Graduate C-^ter, which opened June 1, will enable students to stay In Asheville while pursuing a master's or, doctorate de gree. University of North Car olina President, William C. Friday, established the center to help bring need ed programs to this area according to Dr. Eugene E. McDowell, Director of the Graduate Center. Prior to the establish ment of the center. West ern Carolina University delivered all the graduate Instruction in the Ashe ville area. "More programs can be offered due to the new center," McDowell said. "I think the Graduate Center is one of the greatest things to come to UNCA in a decade," said UNCA Chancellor David Brown. The most recent addition to the curriculum is a doctoral program adminis tered by UNC-Greensboro in Educational Administra tion. The Center ^so" of fers a Master of Science Degree in Engineering from NC State. WNC offers the following programs: Business Admin istration, Elementary Edu cation, Guidance and Coun seling, Math Education, Mental Retardation, Public Affairs, Social Science, School Administration, School Psychology and School Supervision. "Currently all three u- nlversities offering pro grams at the Graduate Cen ter use their own faculty. However, we are open to using UNCA faculty when appropriate, said McDow ell. "As director for the center, I want to use UNCA faculty more fully," con tinued McDowell. McDowell helped in dev eloping the budget for the Center, which includes: Continued on page 8 cation in North Carolinay of the canqpaign was unfor- from kindergarten to col- "It tends to make people on name-calling lege. He has also worked to create jobs so when you get an education you can have a career said Ms. Hunt. Young people need a spokesman and Hunt can fulfill that need, said Mrs. Hunt. During his tenure as governor. Hunt Increased base pay for teachers, in troduced the minium compe tency test for high school graduates, and reduced the high school dropout rate by 5000 students. Hunt said the nasty turn than the Issues. We've tried to run a fair campaign," said Ms. Hunt. "If you stop and look at both sides, you can see Helms has practically no record of accoiq)lishment8. Helms does not say what he has done," said Ms. Hunt. Ms. Hunt expressed ex citement over Democratic vice presidential hopeful Geraldine Ferraro's visit to North Carolina Monday. "We met her at the Demo cratic Convention v San Continued on page 8 The UNCA Bulldog revs up for Satui^day's hoaeooniiig Photo by Leslie McCbllon^.