Serving the students of the University of North Carolina Asheville since 1982 Volume VI, Number III Thursday, February 7,1985 Purse snatchings plague campus By Penny Kramp rA TOO NEVER FOBGET YOUR msr BWPER. Sarah Sisk, 18 aantlis, finds the limner anosliig. Staff photo by Sylvia Hawkins New library put on hold Just a couple of minutes Is all the time it took for Kathe' Davenport to answer the phone. When she returned to her Swain dorm room she couldn’t find her purse. Two hours later it was found in a neighbor’s shower—minus her $4. Joy Nichols fell asleep last Wednesday afternoon and awoke to find her purse missing. A friend found it in a clothes dryer in Aycock dorm. Kim Clontz visited her neighbors across the hall from her Hi^rise dorm room last Tuesday. She glanced out and saw a man leaving her room. A few hours later a shopper found Clontz*s wallet in a bathroom in Wbolworth’s on Haywood Street. She lost $10 and a blank check. These are just three in cidents of a crime which is quickly becoming a cam pus epidemic. UNCA Department of Secu rity and Services reported six purse thefts in Janua- Several common threads connect the crines: .an unlocked door .a woman's purse or wallet .dunqped evidence .the description of the suspect. Charles Carreno, direc tor of UNCA security and services , described the suspect as a tall (6'), slender black male in his early 20*s. ^niold Jones, security officer, said it is doubt ful a UNCA student is com mitting the thefts. "I'm quite sure if it was a stiident spaeone would recognize him,’* said Jones. "It is hard to say if it is the same person. It could be friends working together," said Carreno. Carreno said careless ness is the main cause of the problem. "There has been no forced entry into anyone’s room or desk. The trend seems to be to walk through buildings, see an unlocked door, grab the purse, and nin," said Carreno. Unless there is physical evidence, or the person is caught in the act, securi ty cannot make arrest, according to Carreno. "Nine out of 10 times the woman is not interest- back," said Carreno. OfFLCR THSnS Phyllis Hutchins got her money back—by taking mat ters into her own hands. Hutchins, UNCA universi ty relations receptionist, left her office on the se cond floor of Lipinsliy for a couple of minutes Jan. 9. When she returned a "tall, slender black fel low in a bright blue jack et" emerged fran her of fice. "He asked for the math department and went on. I thought it was weird so I looked in ny purse which I kept under ny desk, and my wallet was gone," said Hutchins. "I can’t describe the feeling that overcame me. I was so furious that I ran out in the hall. When he saw me he began running and I did too," said Hatchins. The thief ran down the steps so Hutchins "kicked off" her high heels and continued the chase. "I never thought about the danger. All I could think about was ny credit cards and pictures that I could never replace," said Hutchins. She finally cornered him downstairs in the music department and demanded he return her wallet. "At first he denied hav ing it but then he began pulling up all these lay ers of clothes and pulled out my wallet," said Hutchins• He then ran back up the steps and out toward Za- geir, according to Hutch ins. "I wouldn’t recommend anyone trying what I did. I just acted on reflex," said Hutchins. Ifarion Thonqpson, infir- Continued on page 10 By Cathy James UNCA *s library expan sion plans are on' hold because former Governor Jim Hunt's budget propo sal did not include funds for it, according to Sen ator Dennis Vftnner of District 28. President Friday's re quest submitted to the State Advisory Budget Commission contained the request for the funds. However, it appears the request was not on Hunt's budget and ultimately it did not make it to the legislature, according to Mel Blowers, UNCA librar ian. "I'm not sure who let the horse out of the bam^ i'm just concerned with trying to get it (the request) back in," said Wayne McDevitt, spe cial assistant to the chancellor and former director of Hunt’s wes tern office. "The addition doesn't look favorable, but we haven’t given up," said Blowers. Estimated costs for the addition is between $6.9 and $7.2 million. Blowers said this year is unpredictable as far as the budget is con cerned. The request for funds for the e^q>ansion is largely a political decision now. "The delegation is com mitted to do whatever we can to get the request Continued on page 12 ed in prosecuting anyhow. They just want their money THIS SQWK IS BEOdUMG wore, frequent around caapus as the nmnbeF of puise thcftis llse* staff photo by Sylvia Hawkins